
“How could you be so cruel as to pass a law that you know will hurt women and that you know will cause babies to be born in pain?” she said.

Not really. Education had a small impact on smoking. The big driver of change was banning it in public places. Most people have extreme difficulty quitting without assistance. Education, counseling, tools to wean oneself from nicotine addiction. The point is simply telling people just stop smoking is a waste of breath.

That is really helpful advice that has worked well to stop all of America’s problems.

You are assuming this is meant to be a successful long-term product. The plan was to clearly use Trump’s fame and media influence to quickly go to IPO, raise a bunch of money that would be paid to executives (and Trump himself  of course), and then who cares what happens after that because they lined their pockets.

He was only released because he was a punter. I guarantee if he was a quarterback, running back, wide receiver, or basically anyone OTHER than a kicker. They would have stood by him.

Sorry, but that battle was already lost in 2020 and prior elections that decided who gerrymandered the last set of maps that the 2022 elections will use. 

Joe Biden is too much of a pussy to push the envelope on this, as he should. He still believes in a world of bipartsanship and thinks it “looks bad” to attempt to convict a former politicial opponent. However, the United States democracy is at stake. If Trump is allowed to get off without consequence (and wins) there

It’s a “feature” that helps to reinforce the wrong way to use turn signals. “The turn signal will briefly come on, flash a few times, then disappear by the time you’ve switched lanes.”

California passed a law in 2019 that makes it harder for police to “justify” a shooting. It’s probably the one state in the country where there is a decent chance the officers will face some consequences for this.

I was thinking it gives me Mercury Sable vibes. Lights from the 1995 model and greenhouse from the 2008 model.

I REALLY wish the standard EPA numbers would move away from a traditional “range” as the be-all end-all to EV ratings... and move to a city/highway range system like they do for MPG on ICE vehicles. Tesla’s “300 mile range” is really about 225 of straight freeway miles. That’s a BIG difference and something that

They can’t get any legislation across... but they are getting judges placed in the courts. That’s something. 

The problem with that is they are afraid (and rightly so) that he will flip parties, handing McConnell the gavel, which freezes all judge nominations. God forbid that happens and a slot on the Supreme Court opens up.

Socialism is the devil! (Except every 10 years or so when it’s required to rescue Capitalism’s failures)

Shorts, long sleeve shirt, and a tie. That’s always a good look. 

Spraying aerosol oil on a hot grill is half the fun of grilling.

a Brady violation in which the prosecution failed to turn over a fingerprint report that would have proved Irons was innocent.”

Sadly, the right has been building an army. They have been riled up so bad that everyone who isn’t 100% in a agreement with them is evil and deserves to be eradicated. When you intermingle politics and faith as they have, you can’t have reasonable discourse. There is no reasoning with them. Either we will succumb to

You are looking at it from the wrong angle. There WILL be plenty of new amendments... they will just come from the right when they get power back and it will be the end of democracy.