
Okay, I’ll bite. Why not.

if you guys ever adjust your ads to be less batshit crazy obnoxious, please write an article alerting us. until then you will remain adblocked.

You need to try associative training.

Whenever you crave sugar, drop a kettlebell on your foot.

Soon you’ll stop craving kettlebells!

Dead Bath & Beyond

The problem is that rooftop solar people are still connected to the grid. And as such, they still use the infrastructure. Only since their bill is being wiped out, they no longer are paying their fair share of that infrastructure.

Took a Lyft Shuttle this morning (SF.) It was $o.25 more expensive than the bus, required 0.4 miles less of a walk, and I rode in a Prius and not on a plastic seat next to someone who may or may not be actively exorcising their own demons. I’d say it’s a win.

I totally get this. Riding the bus sucks. A lot of people would be willing to pay a premium to get the benefit of riding the bus while not dealing with the negatives of riding a bus.

In Russia, Rocket Fires You!

OT, but I’m trying to star comments, and I’m taking the stars away instead!

D.B. Pooper

He was only off by two feet.

I hate when goalies use their immunity to pull shit like this, especially Jonathan Quick. Fuck, he’s a bitch. Price was asking for a lot more than what Lovejoy did to him. Also fuck that dense motherfucker of an announcer who said “you cant let him go after your goalie like that.”

To steer it, you grab it by the pussy, it just lets you.

Probably just locker room talk

Everyone knows reality has a liberal bias

triHOLD wallet. Best wallet with the two most used card easy to access without having to open up the wallet.

triHOLD wallet. Best wallet with the two most used card easy to access without having to open up the wallet.

3 units a day for men is the recommended max, 2 for women. That’s in Europe anyway. In puritan America, dunno, none? But all the guns you can eat?

I’m not sure if he could show up. He’s the 3D Man now which means he’s probably the property of whoever owns the rights to the Skrulls. Fox, I guess.

If you want luxuries like safe drinking water and streets free of human feces, why are you living in New York in the first place?