A coin is also way easier to keep on your desk or mantle as a symbol of your triumph over your enemy. I know I’d be tempted to do that, and Taylor Swift is a hell of a lot better at holding grudges than I am.
A coin is also way easier to keep on your desk or mantle as a symbol of your triumph over your enemy. I know I’d be tempted to do that, and Taylor Swift is a hell of a lot better at holding grudges than I am.
He probably thinks that a Sacajawea coin is an insult, the same way Trump likes to sling around Pocahontas.
I wish all the idiots whining on Twitter were reading the stories. It seems clear that NBC has known Lauer was a skeezebag for years and was ignoring it. Now the tide has turned and it’s no longer good for their bottom line to keep him on so they’re dumping him. Be mad at NBC because they tacitly approved of this shit…
Friendly reminder, relationships between superiors and subordinates are presumptively coercive!
I would have to assume that NBC had plenty of evidence, even if it’s circumstantial, to make this move. Social media seems to be full of people deriding NBC and siding with Lauer because he’s “guilty before proven innocent”. It wouldn’t be a stretch for them to have known about rumblings and, given the current climate…
The accuser who kicked this off is a right wing shill, and rolled it out at exactly the right time to exploit the “force out all the shitty men based on allegations alone” fad to con Democrats into picking off one of their own senators. It was also exactly the right time to distract from Roy Moore’s child rape.
To your point about Occam’s Razor (I agree with all your other points), it does fall apart in this way.
If all of these accusers had dropped at the same time, then you could make the argument that the likelihood they’ve coordinated this specifically to take down Franken, perhaps for political reasons, would be unlikely…
What about 3) the women just want attention, or 4) a potential cash-in if they sue? Not saying these are the cases here, but not all human beings are honest. Sexual harassment is a real issue, victims need to be believed, however the accused also either need to fess up to their sins (as Franken did with the first…
We can have principles without calling for Franken to resign (or anyone for that matter), just as we can have principles without having called for Pres. Clinton to resign during the Lewinsky scandal.
Roy Moore is accused of having sexual relationships with underage girls, as well as raping and assaulting one or more of…
Hazel - I must respectfully disagree. This album is VERY sexy. As proof, I cite the many orgasms I’ve enjoyed while listening to Dress, I Did Something Bad, Delicate, Don’t Blame Me, and Gorgeous, and the corroborating testimony of my previously TS-skeptical boyfriend!
I mean, she just sold over a million albums in the first week though, so I think she’s out of the hole? She may have screwed up, but Kanye’s been an ass too, and I think they’re both doing fine.
I would imagine that any artist that wants to sell a lot of albums and thus end up selling more tour tickets and merch etc etc would release songs anywhere they could to try to increase their popularity. This seems like smart business to me? Idk, I can’t hate T.S. the way Jez wants me to and see everything she does as…
That’s totally different than the situation Elisabeth Moss is in. The church doesn’t label children Suppressive Persons just for not joining. If Elisabeth Moss, a prominent Scientologist, were to leave + speak critically about the Church, she would undoubtedly be declared an SP and her family would be required to cut…
No, they won’t kill her parents, but they are powerful enough to tear apart families and ruin lives and careers. Yes, Elisabeth Moss is in a morally compromising position, but hell, I’d probably do worse than tacitly endorse Scientology if it meant saving my relationships with the people I love. If Elisabeth Moss sees…
I agree 100%. A lot of people judge Elisabeth Moss despite having no frame of reference for understanding the position she is in; to publicly renounce the church would, for her, likely mean that she would not see her parents or brother for decades, if she ever saw them again.
She was born into it, meaning that if she wants to see her family at all for the rest of her life and avoid having them be punished with grueling labor on the RFP, she’s more or less stuck there. She’s not a Cruise or Travolta where they’re advocating for the church.
I think this is sensible advice. Key points being that she needs physical, logistical and financial support now with baby and that she is super hormonal so decisions are influenced.
The first three months with a baby are physically and emotionally one of the hardest times and you need a human body to bring you sandwiches and take the baby and put it in the crib when you fall asleep, buy toilet paper, figure out if you took your meds that day, etc. I didn’t read it as encouraging her to stay with…
Actually, I thought it was good advice. I went through the same situation and I was a fucking mess. Ol’ boy could have helped me out quite a bit with the baby until I regained my sanity. Then I would have kicked his ass to the curb.
...UCC. There are thoughtful churches and intelligent Christians. They just seem outnumbered because the idiots can’t keep quiet about their foolish and wrongheaded interpretation of scripture.