
She has internal testes, no womb or ovaries and XY chromosomes. Biologically—chromosomally, anatomically, & physiologicallyshe is at least as male as she is female. Her gender identity as a woman is not up for debate, but when it comes to fairness in athletics, it is biology, not gender identity, that matters. Her

He could make a strong argument in court that he didn’t actually cheat (if he never had sex with the other woman).

Actually the part she didn’t approve, and was surprised by when the song came out, was the line “I made that bitch famous.” Totally get why she felt the way she did, although she could have handled it better.

That’s a healthier attitude to have than mine. I personally find it really depressing (and mind-boggling) that close to 40 percent of Americans like this goon. Not just prefer him to Hillary, but *like* him. From his perspective, though, you’re right; 38% should be an embarrassingly low number. But he’s gifted with a

Depressing fact: Something like 80 percent of Republicans actually like Donald Trump. I think Donald Trump’s ego has been working overtime, in a desperate bid at self-preservation, to construct a narrative that their opinions are the only ones that count. But no matter how hard he tries not to care, I think he is

Right, like, was there a crevasse in their backyard that they had never noticed because it was hidden under ice? (Why would anyone want to have a farm somewhere where crevasses are an occupational hazard?) How did no one notice this crevasse AFTER they had fallen in it? Wasn’t there a big hole in the ice?? Did the ice

There is a lot of expert testimony that supports the theory that Kurt was murdered—the testimony of handwriting experts and forensic linguistics who analyzed the letter, pharmacologists and forensic specialists who interpreted findings from the autopsy + crime scene, etc. Much of this is presented in the book I cited

OK. I see you have made up your mind. For the record, Kurt Cobain did have a conversation with his (and Courtney’s) lawyer about removing Courtney from his will and getting a divorce shortly before his death. The lawyer, who knew Kurt well, does not believe that Kurt killed himself. Also, the Cobains’ former family

I can see how you might think that if you haven’t watched any of the documentaries about Kurt’s death (Kurt & Courtney being the best + most important one to see). You obviously care about this topic enough to write about it on this thread, so I highly recommend that you watch it. There is one bit of misinformation in

Hi Gaytheist,

Actually, it’s well established that a blood level of around .5 mg/L represents the maximum lethal dose, even for severe addicts. The data is clear. 1.52 mg/L, the official blood concentration in Kurt Cobain’s body, is three times the maximum lethal dose. To think he could somehow be functional after taking a dose of

I think you misunderstood what I wrote. The highest blood concentration of heroin that any person has survived is 1/3 what was found in Kurt C’s tox report. In other words, to survive 1/3 the dose Kurt Cobain took, one would have to have the highest possible tolerance—assuming the blood sample they took from Kurt

Do you have a reference to show that a much higher concentration of drug is found when taken several days postmortem? (Kurt’s blood level was over 3x the maximum amount recorded in a person who survived an overdose.)

Actually, I don’t think the science is on your side. Of course a person’s drug habits affect their tolerance. The question is whether any person could have a blood morphine level as high as Kurt’s—far above the maximum amount that a human being has survived—and then put away his drug paraphernalia, pick up a gun, and

Actually, it was the private investigator himself—a veteran detective—who developed the theory that Courtney had had Kurt killed. If his theory is true, Courtney’s idea to call a PI was brilliant.

Hi tealstar, would you mind sharing what bad science? The main argument is that Kurt could not have put away his drug paraphernalia, picked up a gun and shot himself after injecting a dose of heroin massive enough to kill him multiple times over; he would have been immediately incapacitated. This argument is well

What is bizarre and creepy—and unspeakably tragic—is that a young man who loved life may have been murdered + and the world, including his daughter, made to believe that he had committed suicide. To refuse to hear the evidence that supports the case that he was killed does him + those who loved him an injustice. Just

Case in point: Daily Stormer headline this morning:

I’m in the same situation. I was shocked to find out back in November that my aunt, uncle and 2 cousins were going to vote Trump. These are people whom I love + respect, and as baffled and disappointed as I am by their choice, I know them too well to be able to write them off as bad people. Whenever I catch myself

What she said was that there were “likely some women who don’t support every single part of the Black Lives Matter platform.”