She was using the site for the purpose it was designed for, “stars” to sell exclusive content to fans who’ll pay.
She was using the site for the purpose it was designed for, “stars” to sell exclusive content to fans who’ll pay.
I mean, it sounds like this Thorne woman (whoever she is) is making it all up as she goes along in a very egotistical way which is one thing but the tidal wave of complaints about her being the one to ruin sex work on OnlyFans is laughable.
The dog may be real but this photo certainly isn’t. It’s poorly Photoshopped. You have to wonder who made this and why?
Please stop writing about this dude's dick.
They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”
The idea of the BBC finding something “too emotionally muted” made me giggle.
I agree, but can we discuss how freaking weird the whole plaque thing is? (not her leaving the situation, the fact that people think it makes any sense at all to put a plaque there)
Taylor Swift, the person, is a nightmare woman
I’m with you. And the fact that she writes all of her songs (and some completely on her own) is pretty awesome. You can’t say that about most pop artists.
I can’t understand why Jezebel staff would act like they didn’t understand why TS wrote The Man. She hasn’t been shy about saying how much harder she has to try to get farther. They’re literally feeding into exactly why she wrote that song.
I can never understand the level of vitriol this magazine directs towards Taylor Swift- it is as if you people go into writing every single article about her trying to seem unbiased, but your passive aggression towards her is so evident in your coverage of her that I can’t even take it seriously anymore. I honestly…
Wow. I’m shocked that the Jezebel Staff didn’t like something Taylor Swift did.
I loved Reputation, it’s the only TS album I can listen to from start to end. It’s panned in the article and the comments - is it because it’s so different from her other work? OR IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME? Signed, someone who loved Reputation and all of its pettiness!
Yeah, someone please direct me to the part where they described something as “charming” like the title claims, ‘cause I guessed I missed it. I’m not a T.S. fan but this was just a hit piece.
Yeah, this was...a REMARKABLY bad take. The Me Too movement isn’t “criticism.” By that logic, men are criticized for, uh, sexual assault and physical abuse. Women are criticized for...being successful and not being humble about it. Or being beautiful and not feeling bad about it. Or being “childish” when they’re 29. Le…
Hoo boy, Rich really got triggered over The Man and the presumption that rich, successful women might still receive more blowback and criticism than men in similar positions. “The Biebs gets criticized too!” is not a hill to die on.
Rich: I’m not really of the opinion that famous people are entitled to more fame and money. I don’t really know if Taylor Swift should have a clothing line or hedge fund in her name? There’s some assumption in this song that men aren’t criticized. Quite the contrary, especially in a MeToo era! I don’t think Justin…
Yikes! Why bother discussing the album at all if the plan was to start out snarky and make certain to couch every compliment in disdain?
I loved this album. It’s pop and not statement rock music. Personally I’m sick of pop stars getting political and all parroting the same line. Taylor’s brand of woke is some weak tea but The Man works well as a song so I gotta give her that. I hated ME but hated it less on the album. I really don’t like I Forgot that…
Holy hell, this was a realllllllly long way to just say “we don’t like Taylor Swift that much as a person, the album was fine, 6/10.”