
The whole donating to offset your footprint bothers me for some reason. Someone else said it was like when the rich bought indulgences from the Catholic Church. You can pay to absolve your guilt. If you know what you’re doing is a problem, why not just stop doing it?

It’s not surgery. It’s very carefully and expensively crafted makeup to look like Kelly. That’s not how her face actually looks IRL. It's prosthetics and brilliant contour.

I’ve heard another solution is to just stay home in your pajamas and put your feet up and watch television.

What are we going to do about these young whippersnappers?

I wonder if this could lead to the termination a pregnant woman who’d become pregnant as the result of rape. I’d just LOVE to hear the argument that would “justify” that one.

I remember in the late 1980s, a woman in my hometown was terminated from her full time job of 10+ years as the church secretary at a large Baptist church. The sole reason given for her termination? Her husband cheated, left her and then filed for divorce. And according to the church by-laws, divorced people were

Congratulations, you’re officially Ireland between the 1950’s and 90’s. Waiting on the foundation of USXtian Magdalene Laundries.

Funny, I’ve managed to avoid them my whole life with absolutely no effort.

Or even liked it for that matter.

Looks like you need to have a serious sit-down with your daughter about Cancel Culture. It’s time.

“i kissed a girl, she disliked it” probably wouldn’t have been as big a hit

The Kardashians are masters of the dramatic form, teasing out arcs and themes over years. Miley is a chicken that can do sums, you just kinda go "hmm, weird" and walk away, never to consider it again.

Miley is going to be one of those things we can't figure out why we thought it was ever interesting, in 20 years. Like pogs or Eminem.

‘Small Gubmint’ Republicans seem to not understand the consequences of under-funding everything. You wind up being dangerously understaffed, whether we’re talking the criminal justice system, the child welfare system or the air traffic controllers system.

This stupid fucking Stewart column is the epitome of burying the lede. If your interview subject WANTS to talk about his crimes - the thing that he is most notorious for - why the FUCK would you keep veering away? Even if it’s just on background and you feel queasy about violating that agreement (which, please)...

This reminds me of the hit piece on Lauren Duca. While both she and Milano are imperfect messengers, in a world of online hate, at least they are mostly appealing to better angels. But Jezebel felt the need to take these two down a notch because they were getting too big for their britches? A “supposedly feminist websi

I think I agree? I found the article rather inconsistent in tone, and struggled to work out the ‘point’, so to speak. So she’s not perfect, although well intentioned, and she’s using her celebrity platform to voice her political thoughts, which lean moderate-left and are pro-women’s rights...? That’s...bad?

I think her heart is in the right place and she’s generally on the right side of things. I think it’s a brave thing for someone whose career relies largely on public perception to put out their opinions, stand behind them and weather the criticism that unfailingly comes from that. I think there are many, many, many

This article is just a mess. I don't even necessarily disagree with it, it's just badly in need of an editor.

I’m uncertain what your point is, beyond giving us a brief history of Milano’s public statements over the past twenty years. Is it that her activism is imperfect? Because while true of her, that is also true of every activist. Is it that there is something discordant about her moving from talking about issues she