
People who care about social + racial justice can have legitimate reasons for not fully supporting the Black Lives Matter platform—or for choosing to dedicate what little time/money they have available for activism to a different cause (there are many worthy causes)

Just trying to understand: Do you believe that people who are not BLM activists are automatically not deserving of your respect?

OK... well, you and I have very different ways of interpreting data. I see we’re not going to agree on this.

There’s nothing inherently racist about “black on black” crime, it’s simply the context in which it’s raised.

If/when it goes down, then you can make that argument. Generally speaking, isolated, hugely anomalous years in macro-social trends are extremely rare, so the odds are against you if that’s your prediction. The basic principles of trend analysis (looking at moving averages) tell us we’re no longer in the 10-year

This is a racist way to frame the issue. In a city that is among the most segregated in the country and one that has been that way since its founding, trying to paint the issue as “black on black” is doing nothing more than scapegoating people in poor neighborhoods

“Out of control” is just a hyperbolic way to state the issue

Jesus Christ, I hate reading these kinds of nasty comments. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. People aren’t perfect. They sometimes don’t choose the right wording. This person has said that she did not mean to express anti-male sentiment in her post. What I see here is a clumsy expression of pro- “girl power!”

There are many factors at play here; violence in Chicago is a disease w/ a complex etiology. To say less assertive policing in 2015 and 2016 caused the 70% increase in murders since 2014 would be simplistic. But to ignore the correlation and come to the premature conclusion (as you seem to have done, arrogantly +

Would the massive decline in assertive policing be a “factor” in your eyes?

The “black on black crime is out of control!” narrative just happens to be true in Chicago. Are you kidding? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone argue that black on black crime is NOT out of control here. Are you even from Chicago? If you are, start paying attention. No one has said levels of crime are

Re widely-cited study “Broken Windows” by Corman & Mocan:

Btw I hope I didn’t come off as a jerk, I enjoyed reading your posts. I actually have that movie Cowspiracy on my watch list, although honestly I am dreading watching it b/c I hate to see animals suffer :-(

I don’t see how it is weird for them to profit off of vegans without being vegans themselves. From my perspective (former vegan here) there is no exploitation happening. They are providing a service where it is needed: helping vegans to live a healthy vegan lifestyle by providing them with sustainably grown vegan