
That’s true, but her camp still lied about how it went down. “According to a message supplied to EW from Swift’s rep, “Kanye did not call for approval, but to ask Taylor to release his single ‘Famous’ on her Twitter account. She declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message.

I’m with you. They’re both catchy and fun and I enjoy them a lot.

I thought LWYMMD was a hot mess when I first heard it but I have since listened to it approx 800 times and I love it and I am angry about that

I’m with you! I love any song where I have learned many of the words by the end. Also, I would not consider this rapping as many other commenters seem to.

Basically “The only way is Essex” mashed up with “Carry on Cleo”

So, 2/3 of the cast will be slaves, yes?

That’s already happened.

I don’t understand why you just posted another image of Tomi Lahren. We know what she looks like.

Nothing is more amusing than posting on a conservative website, getting called a libtard, etc..., and then being told to go back to my safe space. Um, guys, this is your safe space, and I’m totally capable of handling it, thanks.

Its gonna be funny when they all only turn to Facebook as their sole source of news. Weird that the whole “snowflake living in an echo-chamber” thing they love to throw around so much just kinda turned out to be about them.

I’m surprised they hired her. Usually they order their women from Mattel.

Rachel Maddow beat Hannity in ratings this month, after the two have been neck-and-neck most of the spring and summer. They can add this vile tart or any other novelty feature or stunt to the program they wish, but this is the longer term trend that scares FOX. He’s losing because people actually prefer plain old

Let’s all take a moment of silence to consider poor Kylie and her utterly tragic life.

This right here? This is straight-up dictator-level bullshit. He literally pardoned a political ally for no other reason than the fact that they are a political ally.

Why couldn’t someone give Trump something shiny, or an old Tetris game, or one of those posters that you stare at and it makes a 3D dog or whatever? Anything to distract him from this abomination! Now the alt-right racists are going to (very correctly) see this as validation of their a**holery. “The pres approves!

We know the endgame:

Fuuuck. Expected, but fuck! At least there is someone somewhere with half a brain that told Donald Dump not to try this shit when he was in Az. We got off easy here and I’m pretty sure this would have been the perfect fuel for some serious rioting action. Joke Arpaio is the loudmouthed, idiotic, human rights

The Constitution isn’t perfect. It offers only one remedy for a president who abuses the pardon power to break the system itself. That remedy is impeachment. ~Noah Feldman, Bloomberg View

He’s warming up for pardoning any surviving Nazi death camp guards that might still be alive.

Was this a practice pardon? Warming up for later? It would be a shame if he was to pull a pardon signing muscle by overdoing it the first time out.

Oh, and fuck Trump and Arpaio.