
Hold up. You’re equating crystals to komucha? Kombucha is a fermented tea that absolutely has benefits that can be healing.

I’ve torn ligments in both my knees and it is so painful you can’t even imagine. The worst part of it is that it lasts forever. You can get surgery and scar tissue can form but it’s never the same afterwards. I have to wear a leg brace just to get through a long day at work sometimes, and during all physical activity.

Who does she look like in that photo? She looks like someone familiar, but someone familiar who is not also Taylor Swift.

TS has been my jam since Tears On My Guitar. I have no shame. I even cried when I saw her on her 1989 tour. I am that girl.

I do not care what her track list is. I just care that we are FINALLY getting a new album. I am living for this. Can’t wait for her new single to drop tomorrow night. 🙌🙌🙌

We don’t ignore Nazis. We hit them with bright sunshine, shut down their websites, get them fired, ostracize them and occasionally punch them in the fucking dick.

Don’t use my last name. But please do broadcast my smug, punchable face on national television!

This is the best:

I am a strong, angry feminist, and my boyfriend is the same way you describe. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I liked it. For me, it’s knowing that if I’m gonna throw down, my ride-or-die is gonna be there to back me up.

Every single guy that does that is garbage. Whenever someone does that, I immediately assume that they themselves have assaulted or enabled assault, but they think it’s ok because x, y or z. So congratulations, my dudes in the greys! All you did was suggest that you too are sexual predators!

Thank you! I hope this signals the end of Jezebel’s Shit on Swift Festival. I din’t see the eternally blameless Kimye donating $250,000 clams to Kesha’s legal fees.

Every time I read something about sexual assault on Deadspin (which of course is fairly common considering how athletes are gods that can do whatever they want to women but just not animals because women<animals) the comments are like 80% or more JOKES. From reading over there I’ve surmised that men either process

New mad respect for Taylor Swift. She gave excellent answers to all those questions where the lawyer was trying to put the onus on her to have done something about it, rather than the perpetrator who shouldn’t have done it in the first place. Bravo!!!!

I think she’s had a lot of prep, and she actually comes across as pretty smart in the interviews I’ve seen her in. Say what you will about her music, but girl knows her business and is very successful at it.

When I was 22 I was in a crowded city plaza celebrating Independence Day, and men kept grabbing my boobs and crotch. At first I was in shock, thinking it was some kind of accident, but it kept happening again and again. Finally I started reaching down and digging my fingernails into their hands as hard as I could,

I had almost this exact thing happen to me on my 21st birthday. I went to a bar (stone-cold sober! not that it fucking matters), was about to order a drink, and then I felt someone’s hand reach up my dress (a modest t-shirt dress, again, not that it fucking matters), grab my bare ass cheek, and give it a long, solid

Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”

People: Don’t coddle men. Don’t entertain their mediocrity anymore. Don’t indulge them their obtuse, willfully ignorant questions about ANYTHING they could figure out for themselves with a basic google search. Especially don’t do it on articles regarding sexual assault, where the majority of us has specific trauma and

The old “you didn’t cause a big scene so therefore it didn’t happen” defense

The first couple of milliseconds, I thought it must be a mistake