I didn’t tell anybody to do shit, buddy. There’s no need to get your hackles raised over defending Congo.
I didn’t tell anybody to do shit, buddy. There’s no need to get your hackles raised over defending Congo.
Thanks! I’m one of those people, shit like Hudson Hawk or a Neil Breen film are good times- Congo is an unenjoyable abomination. If you enjoy it, great- doesn’t change how I’ll be feeling about it.
We could talk all day about genius moments in “Jaws”. I vote for the moment when Brody is flinging chum and the shark leaps out of the water. “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” is one of the all-time great movie lines, but right before that--Brody is pissed off and muttering, then the shark surges into the screen,…
It’s the “principle,” as it always is with these fucks. Who knows who else the government might start requiring them to treat like human beings?
Meet Domino’s new CEO (This Guy is def a Trumpster): NOTE: “Much of the success in sales has been attributed to Domino’s relentless focus on harnessing technology when it comes to the pizza delivery experience.”
“The company said in its appeal that the ADA “does not demand full accessibility for each and every means of accessing the goods or services a public accommodation provides to the public,”
For fucks sake is there no fast food chain anymore that isn’t owned by some people hating shit bag?
“Yeah.. But that is going to make my pizza cost more.” - Some asshole on Facebook.
Did you think there wasn’t a wall? I’m just curious. I’ve driven the border and seen it. Again, just because you think there’s some hypocrisy involved between having a border and putting a wall around the entire country doesn’t mean it’s true. The wall Trump wants isn’t being built in any meaningful way, but yes,…
“Elizabeth Warren plans to decriminalize border crossing...ie, open borders.”
“A very liberal thing to say.”
“Only protest when it’s convenient” said an idiot, unaware of what a protest is supposed to be.
Do you win some kind of wingnut whatabout bingo for these stupid lies? Trump CAMPAIGNED on border walls and Pelosi and Schumer never said they wanted to build them. Border security? Sure. It’s only because truly stupid people think Democrats want ‘open borders’ — it’s not actually hypocritical to support the DREAM…
Milo Yiannanopolis is a fascist. His ideas are not valid and therefore have no place on a college campus. This invalidity is based on this:
Yeah, if you can’t listen to murderous fascists give their side of the story, how would you ever know what’s what? As a fan of Karl Popper, I say it’s way past time to pretend that tolerance of fascism is ok. Georgetown should be ashamed to give this fucker an open platform to lie begin with.
kill yourself.
“learning (is) shut down” lo-fuckin-l
Nope. Students are paying for everything that’s entailed in actual education: classroom, exercises, lectures, whatever other events the professor decides belong in a given course syllabus and assigns to their class.
On Election Night 2016, several of my wife’s German, Polish, and French co-workers and interns came to our house for a potluck. I will never forget their confusion watching electoral votes come in, asking “Wait, isn’t America a democracy?” and laughing as we explained our vaunted representative republic. The French…