
Dont tell ME what to do, you moEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

“I threw all my money in the river and now it’s GONE!! Somebody DO something!!” Heh. A fool and their money, something something.

Partly cloudy throughout the weekend with high humidity.

Kim: “You lost, little boy? (looking around) Whose mans is this? Did somebody lose a dotard?

I will confess that I really want to see his success cause her to shit bricks in rage, bricks with sharp corners on them. But Im still happier for him than I’m mad at her.

The problem with G&G was always that it was presumed that everyone understood that Goofus was in the wrong, and his behavior was not to be emulated. Now we know that half the nation looks at something like 1984 and says, “oh, that would be awesome, as long as I wore the boot.”

I have, in fact.

Once again: Only if they weren’t doing their job.

You watch too many movies too much TV too many cartoons.

Doesn’t matter. Crews didn’t do their job. Unless she’s got some incredible ability to fold herself up into an overhead bin AND render herself invisible, this “somehow somehow scam” couldn’t work.

Air Canada completely dropped the ball here. Aircraft crews don’t just hop up and leave when they “think” everyone’s offboarded; they are required to make sure. She might have inadvertently damaged the aircraft in her attempts to get out; she might have also gotten injured or died if she had tried to jump down to the

I’ll wager if it were you, the “grip” you would get would be on the arm of an attorney, as soon as you stopped shrieking and urinating.

When the regime falls, there will be plenty of “empty warehouses,” complete with cages, in which to store its members. Just “for the duration,” of course.

Their carelessness in keeping track of the children and complete lack of interest in reuniting them with their families virtually guarantees it, even if the Big Fat Oaf in Chief wasn’t a pervert rapist.

A range of expressions almost as ghastly as that of God Emperor Dummy Boy.

Gotta pwn the libs! Must trigger much! Nothing else matters!

Why is it that the grossest TV celebrities from America’s past are all now crawling out from under their obscurity-rocks to shit the nation?