
SE Cupp

Nobody wants to deal with the mess afterwards.

You should know better than to describe something falling out of Hammy, No!’s orifice as valid.

“Oh look, here is a mine field. Perhaps I should tread very carefully! ...Nah, I’ll just belly-flop on the first mound of freshly-turned earth I come across.”

I notice Chuckles keeps saying a lot of people think the camps are horrible, but never takes a personal stance—aside from whining about the only n-word that offends Nazis. I’m sure theres a perfectly normal reason for this.

And there it is, the boilerplate “I TROLL UUUUU” response thuds always resort to once they’re finished crying over their roasted rumps.

(head blossoms)

At my graduation (in mid-central Flaw’duh, three decades ago), the salutatorian and an honorary speaker gave their speeches to a dead mike. When the valedictorian stepped up to give hers, they stopped her and made a huge show of plugging in and switching on the microphone. The salutatorian’s speech was critical of the

Now playing

But we have to kill them before they kill us! They hate us for our freedom!!

2019: “Oh my god how horrible! Heh heh heh heh heh!”

(David Cronenberg slowly emerges from shadows in corner of room)

No, no, no, we have it on good authority (the best!) that he’s 178lbs.

And now I wonder why a 2016 article pops up in the bar in 2019. Oh, I see, the little rat-turd attacked Kamala Harris today.

Golly, that can’t be true! Jehovah made them wealthy, after all! /sarcasmgasm

Well, he’s certainly taken Star Wars’ silly “alphabet-based fighter design” to a preposterous extreme.

Reminds me of Carl Jr’s slogan, “Without us, some guys would starve.” Bold to link their brand to men who are incapable of taking care of themselves in the real world.

Would pay money to see someone produce a reworked version of “Perfect World” from The Emperor’s New Groove set in D.C., only with an obese, incapable-of-dancing Dotard getting winded after dry-humping the flag, plus there are tanks and Stalinesque banners in the parade.

Another woman*, Jennifer Garcia, is known for deifying** the abuse and murder trial of*** an 8-year-old boy named Gabriel Fernandez, testifying that she could tell the child was being abused at home. Gabriel’s mother is serving life; her boyfriend received the death penalty.

This ain’t our fight.