
Apples and origins, my friend. Apples and origins.

Child caged in filthy detention camp: I know, right? It’s so uncivil!”

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Showa (昭和) literally means “shinning Japan.”

Pros: Vaguely resembles Melania; head not partially melted; vicious; knows her place.”

That way they dont have to think about the harm they do. You know, that whole “guilt thing that normies talk about, that they can never quite grasp.

But the sex during commercial breaks! So awesome! /obvioussarcasm

“Political correctness” is the wrong phrase. The correct one is “social acceptance.”

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Can’t I just put on a rad suit to play with them? I’ll pay for it!! ...or better yet, I’ll volunteer for this program: 

Nah, only if it was a white woman.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go back to this diet that’s destroying me just as soon as I’m back to near-normal. We cool? Please continue purchasing!”

Now playing

What its like reading Takeout/Lifehacker these days:

The problem is that they’re going to be banging a pan, from the day their Anointed One doesn’t get the nomination throughout election day, telling people to stay home and pout rather than vote. Then they’ll lie like pigs and claim they “held my nose and voted for your shit candidate.”

The devs wanted to include the famous three-eyed fishes in the water, but due to time restrictions and issues with FOX, they couldn’t include the famous fish.

The context, though! Watch the entire video! Attend the seminar! Undergo the mental conditioning! Drink the Flavor-Aid!

I swear tgawd Ima win big on Scratcher one a these days and Ill never have t rub elbows with any yall sorry losers ever again! ...Dammit! Gimme another Lucky Eight!!”

And to that, McCain had nothing.

Doctor, I am disappointed in you. Turn in your badge and Nick Fury cosplay.

He’s been screwing the entire country over for two years and he’s still in office and wasting oxygen. You get the government you deserve, grownups.

(somewhere Streaky whines incessantly about Marvel fans)

The “fake news, out of context, watch the full video” bullshit, taken to the extreme. Bravo, Moscow?