“The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person, so it is a little different,” Carlson says, referring to underage marriage.
“The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person, so it is a little different,” Carlson says, referring to underage marriage.
Doesn’t matter. All three belong in a grease fire.
No some Proud-For-No-Good-Reason Boy will see your post and cram a whole bag of those down his throat to “pwn the libz.”
Because when the violence becomes sexual violence, too many people start channeling their “thought” processes through their genitals rather than their (rumored-to-exist) brains.
My poor ol’ thin-but-comfy comforter has lasted me some sixteen or seventeen years now. I really wish I could remember the brand, because while its colors may be faded and it’s popped a thread here and there (without opening up), it’s still good as gold. It’s outlasted its heavier, newer brethren, acting as a mattress…
Ohhhhhhh brother.
Barr’s like the clowns defending the rich white guys busted in the massage parlor sting. “Human trafficking, whaaaat,” the clowns blither about the real victims, “they could’ve just walked out the door anytime, right?” No, they couldn’t, jackasses, because we live in an economy. Some people don’t have mommies who…
Could be worse. Could be sarcastration.
Stationed at Guam and kept too busy to prepare, I found myself stuck in my barracks for hours during a typhoon with no electricity and nothing to eat but half a box of Triscuits and a jar of mayonnaise that was gonna spoil anyway.
If he’s counting on loyalty to save his flabby unwiped ass, maybe he shouldn’t have treated every single human being who ever entered his sphere like trash.
“Look, we totally meant to do something about it! Just give us another pat on the wrist...not too hard now, maybe a fine we can pass on to our surviving customers...and we can all go back to the way things were. Well, except for all the dead and seriously injured. Oh, and those who lost everything. And only until the…
Remember, if you nuke a sponge it only kills 99.999999% of bacteria! (Just like any other legit disinfecting method!) The remaining .000001% absorbs the microwave gamma radiation and becomes Super Bacteria, attacking you in the night and murdering you!! I mean, my two-month old Scotch-Brite Stay-Clean Scrub Sponge…
So weird to see an explosion these days that doesn’t have someone walking away from it in slow motion.
“My dad says butane’s a bastard gas”-Bobby Hill
AOC: “That’s wack.”
“Why can’t I get laid? It’s not me, it’s all these stuck-up b****s!!” -- Joey Incel
I think things are fucked up enough in Washington Trump City without a “Senator Shannon Volkman” driving up the steps in his broke-down pickup and punching reporters.
(UPDATED) “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything. Just make sure it’s not something stupid.”
Thank you for contributing a little sheer dickishness to the discussion. That’s always valuable and constructive.
Not even sure what this article means by “plastic mailer.” There are two photos and both feature cardboard boxes. I presume we’re not talking about bubble-wrap-lined envelopes, since those have been in use for ages now, but the not-quite-paper-not-quite-plastic fibrous envelopes that I suspect might be the subject…