
And still no Barely Legal Teen Titans Go! (Someone DID make a Hawkman & Hawkgirl porno a few years back. I saw the trailer and was impressed that they went full-on Golden Age Joe Kubert Hawkman, with roles for Gentleman Ghost and masked anti-hero Black Canary.) 

“When we open our hearts to faith, we fill our hearts with love,” (Trump) added.

Or any of those fun rally videos with people standing right up to the edge of the road waiting for a racer to lose control and plow them into pulp.

Sloppily scrawling edgelord-speak on “cookies” that appear inedible? LORD HELP ME I AM SO PWNED

If this is one of those jobs Americans don’t want to do, the obvious solution is to hire undocumented workers.

I just want the last chapter to the online TF2 comic, dammit. “Coming Soon” for, what, two years now?  

Wait, which country is the shithole, now?

Halfwit attention-seeker. Let her chain herself to something, then set the dogs on her.

A spokesman for wombats said he was glad no wombats were involved.

Now I’m scared to be outside of my apartment. THANK YOU SO BLOODY MUCH

Or, you could just transform the ICE into an ECE.

The skrony ass-bag who dressed herself up as Hitler and made a visual “oven joke” is going to address Israel’s parliament.

(looks around for Mikey H’s Asian equivalent of “wypipo,” is disappointed)

Yeah, Guam already has enough problems with invasive species. Just drop ‘em off about halfway there. They can swim, yeah?

It’s almost as if they’re persistently insecure about their genitalia or something.

Would you like to fly, in my Bee-Emm-Double-Yuu? Would you like to die, in my Bee-Emm-Double-Yuu?... 

From “Where’s My Stuff?” at

Tooty Lahlah is going to prevail.

I am late to this particular outrage party, but...there is only one thing I associate with a cow’s bum, and it is neither “sexiness” nor “ice cream.” Maybe that’s why you are out of business, dude, not some Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy.

“This will get people lookin’ at me!!”