
I dunno, I run into that sort of garbage a lot—trying to shame people into silence by screaming that “Those People commit the very same atrocities the alt-right want to commit. To wit: How can you defend Muslims!? In Iran they throw gays off roofs!” And what do YOU want to do to gay people?” Kill em all! But that’

All they needed to do was wait until she needed to go potty. What was she gonna do, pop a squat in public? (Maybe I shouldn’t ask.) EDIT: Ha ha ha, nevermind, she threatened to piss herself but then gave up after four and a half hours. Ha!

“I think if you don’t have regrets, you’re not introspective.”

Ah, Meghan’s doing a variation of ye olde Al Gore box-in attack: “Because he uses electricity and wood products and fuel and exhales carbon dioxide we just dismiss him as a hypocrite! He should live in a barren cave and wipe with leaves! Then we would just dismiss him as a loony!” 

However, should the probationer attempt to sound off foreign-sounding granola-garbage like Kashi, he shall be labeled a cuck and struck in the head with one beer bottle. Also, attempts to list Trix shall be answered with the response, Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids and the probationer may be booted once in the

In MY day, we were LUCKY to have grilled rat!

In MY day, we were LUCKY to have grilled rat!

I’m reminded of that sad video in which a dog and a cat investigate a fawn. (No linky because what happens next is awful.) When the mother doe approaches, the cat wisely backs off; the undisciplined and stupid dog, completely ignoring the doe’s warnings and the screams of its panicking owners, keeps trying to approach 

Then the polite thing to do would be to let them hang first.

Ed, forever.

My dishwasher is my drip-dry “cabinet.” A soda bottle cap held in place by a bit of putty prevents it from closing completely so it doesn’t mildew; haven’t run it for fifteen years—since I moved in—so I don’t even know if it works. When I hand wash my dishes, I fill the sink with hot suds, scrub everything (finishing

As long as it’s her feet dancing on air, I wouldn’t mind a bit.

It’s all a waste of gas money. If someone wants to proclaim their sense of inadequacy to one and all, they just have to rev their engine loudly.

It’s something a normal person doesn’t say about visiting people in mourning.

Now with less bread and more circus!

Now with less bread and more circus!

Aw dang man, are you laid low by the reverse-racism matriarchy? I weep for you. Weeeeeeeep.

That’s why we need to start throwin’ hands. If there’s no winning, at least we can go down swinging.

Of their own choice rightwankers live in fear of every shadow and fall for every single scam. How many of them still have enough duct tape and plastic sheeting to seal their home? How many think the only reason Jade Helm didn’t take all their guns was because Alex Jones exposed the plot?