
Thank God we didn’t let Hillary win though, amirite?

Thanks to him, we now have a Trump in the White House

In which a prissy little prig who probably wiped himself down this morning with cologne samples from GQ suggests that a far more intelligent writer should “stick to fashion.”

“But but but we didn’t understand what we were doing!! We just hated Hillary Clinton, that’s all! We didn’t even understand why! But it seemed like a good idea at the time!!”

A petty two-bit thug who cleans up real nice, don’t forget that. Part of the media’s normalization process for this fucking Nazi has been to swoon over his looks.

For fuck’s sake. We were all given a choice between a raging inferno and an emergency exit and clowns like you made (and continue to make) excuses not to pick the emergency exit.

Stories like this are not only fearful, but make me paranoid—not of the prospect that Obama’s going to take America’s guns away in the next few weeks, but of my own aging mind.

“Look at ME, everyone! I’m writing in Bernie to shake up the system! Ha ha! Are you maaaaaaaaaaad? It’s MY conscience!! Fuck Corrupt Hitlery!!”

“Dammit, we can’t afford that sort of pricing anymore! Have someone write an article about how it’s unethical! Fart! Fart! Fart!

Cheeto Mussolini could be owned by a paper bag. I swear if you slipped one lightly over his head (physically impossible because of the pompadour and the Hutt neck, but bear with me here) and just left him on his own he’d starve to death.

Let’s hope the sentence involves more than a trip to BK.

On the right: A raging inferno that threatens to destroy everything.

Me too! Except I’ll meet him. My teeth are pretty sharp, you see, and I think I could bite right through that gross neck-testicle-lookin’ wattle into his carotid artery and PULL before they could stop me...

Got a death threat from his account a few years back. Who knows why, it didn’t specify--and I hadn’t been to this channel before or since. He seems like just another special-snowflake attention whore who, as another commenter notes, won the social media lotto for being in the right place at the right time.

Aw, come on, they paid the price! You feel sorry for these fuckers!! Right now!

All the folks a’skeert because Scumpelthinskin isn’t going to build the wall should be far more concerned with all the other assinine things he’s already done, like trying to start shit with China. And he hasn’t even been inaugurated yet!

What’s the correct past tense? Is it schwung, or schwang?

Of course it was ‘animated’; they’re both cartoon characters.

Not sure what else to expect from someone named Cow Herd.

“I can’t hear you, Mayonnaise!!”