
But, golly, the lamestream media is so obviously trying to coronate her! /nutjob

Not that he’d know anything about what nurses, factory workers, teachers, or retail workers do. But he’s still an expert on them! He’s an expert on everything! (Seriously, though, he’s a mental case.)

“Heyyyyyyyy, maaaaan, they ain’t payin’ me what I think I’m worth, so, like, why even bother, man?”

Namorita was the one who slammed Nitro into the side of a school bus right before he blew Stamford up. She didn’t survive, obviously, but they brought her back by something something comic books.

It tickles me that the terrible Amazing Spider-Man newspaper strip features the Sub-Mariner even now.

That looks...VERY different from the version I remember.

No, because of political correctness. Those People can’t take a joke. It was a joke! A joke!! /s*

Somehow the student tricked her into being an asshole. Those People be crafty like that.

Are they going to have to pry the steering wheel out of your cold, dead hands?

As long as nobody’s pointing anything at her, it’s all good as far as she’s concerned. You “little people” just keep right on killing each other.

I think part of the reason that people hate on the Star Wars prequel trilogy is that they were so dreadfully unfunny.


*watches clip

If the rest of the movie is this awful, I’m not sure I can handle it. Everything about this scene causes brain lesions. I’ll never drink Pepsi again because of this clip.

Bristle Failin’: “Nobody wants to hear what flies out of my dumbshit yap either! That’s why I’ll never give up the fight!!”

We live in a world where you might not want the cops to come. Especially if one of them is your attacker.

That’s Charlotte’s Web (1973). Avoid the slapdash 2003 sequel at all costs. Dakota Fanning starred in a live-action 2006 remake.

Now playing

Damn you. I was going to post a GIF of a guy poking a fuzzy lump that erupts into a hundred baby spiders but now I’m just remembering an animated movie that traumatized me as a child.