“I’m not afraid of ‘em! I just live in mortal terror of what I fantasize they might do! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Shake up, weeple!”
“I’m not afraid of ‘em! I just live in mortal terror of what I fantasize they might do! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Shake up, weeple!”
And yet famous floor-pooper, stalker, white supremacist and overall loony Charles C. Johnson is still ranting away on Facebook. Even Twitter finally dropped the block on his sorry floor-pooping ass.
There was a sad, sad time when that sort of shit was considered charming.
It certainly would explain why, when people talk too loudly about bad convictions putting innocent people on Death Row for decades, their “solution” always seems to be to speed up executions and eliminate appeals. (“They’re probably guilty of something blah blah blah fart fart”)
Who do we sue for ripping audiences off with Escape From L.A.?
“I have a terrific idea! Let’s get every damn eye in the world looking in our direction...and then commit some crime!”
Anyone who says “Happy Holidays” or (sneer) “Happy Hanukkah” will be marched into the town square by local militia and made an example of.
Fillings made from 100% artisanal recycled dreamcatchers.
Man, these stories make me wish I could control lightning.
Better to just rephrase them as what they really stand for.
I love it when an idiot waltzes in with “yo, bro, you’re a fucking idiot” and then attempts to sound thoughtful; he almost immediately reveals who’s really the complete fucking idiot.
They feed on your revulsion. If people recoil in disgust from one’s actions, one can either (1) change one’s behavior, or (2) decide that no, the fault lies with everyone else, therefore the disgust is a confirmation that one is doing things right. The more disgust they generate, the more they are reassured. In a way,…
Nothing that I wouldn’t have done as an adolescent.