His daughter was a U.S. Congresswoman for crying out loud, but now Batgirl looks and acts like she just graduated high school. I’m assuming Flashpoint really scrambled some eggs here.
His daughter was a U.S. Congresswoman for crying out loud, but now Batgirl looks and acts like she just graduated high school. I’m assuming Flashpoint really scrambled some eggs here.
Perry’s grinding rocks in his rectum because, like Jonah J., the most sensational (non-)story ever was sitting right under his nose and he wasn’t able to sniff it out and exploit it for his own ends. You might notice that version of events is all about Perry, and Superman’s personal needs don’t enter into it at all.
A friendly reminder...to the shithead who steals games then uses his sixty-dollar-a-month Internet hookup to scream that he’s entitled to do so because he “ain’t got no job” and whine that the next game isn’t coming out fast enough to please him.
I remember when Geoff Johns transformed Teth-Adam from supervillain to super anti-hero and everyone freaking loved it. There was even a lengthy essay describing why this should’ve been a “permanent” change, one of the few changes in the DCU that worked. Then, of course, either Johns or Dildo Dan said “Nah,…
I quit reading Dilbert cold turkey when Scott Adams started blogging under the strip about how “outragists” (his variant on “political correctness liberal fascism blah blah blah”) were picking on poor little Donald Trump. (This was long before Trumpy’s recent flareups; I haven’t been back to see what Adams thinks…
Another set of lives destroyed by the sort of twisted psychotic control freak popularized in media as the “Tiger Parent.” Hell, my own dysfunctional parents weren’t nearly that bad, but if I hadn’t broken away from them as soon as I was legally able, I’d probably have gone violently berserk decades ago. Can’t imagine…
(wonders if Rush Limbaugh will respond by taking another huge raging dump in his chair over Big Gubbermint Overreach and/or the Pope’s rather mild critique of “unfettered capitalism”)
Feel free to explain to us Stupids how Judge Scumbag’s words and actions towards those children were justified. I’ll wait—quietly probing this electrical outlet with a fork because me am so dum.
As a result, we have a frenzied, and misinformed, misguided public.’”
When I saw the headline I thought this was going to be about that godawful Archie vs. Predator comic.
Is there a specific date at which a supportive comment from Hillary will be deemed acceptable and unsuspicious? Or is it going to be like how teabaggers keep carping about Robert Byrd was in the Klan?
“Stupid b**** is just manipulating your emotions like the calculating scumbag she is!!”
Count the rings in her stump.
Oh, that’s good. But as soon as the lady showed up and said, “I heard* that vaccines cause autism,” my response was other than constructive.
Shouldn’t be that shocking. It’s just a variant of Joe the Plumber’s infamous “Your dead kids don’t trump my Second Amendment rights” dirtbaggery.
“All my drinking and drug abuse while pregnant didn’t harm my child, it must have been the toxins in vaccines!”