
In the end, her argument will boil down to “Well at least I was having teh heterosex and bringing moar christian fightin’ folk into this evil evil obamaworld! a$$hole$!”

Nobody’s shaming her for getting pregnant.

This one, then? Can’t find one without text.

You mean this one? The “sarcastic clapping bunny” from Reddit (twenty seconds on Google)?

Everything you wrote is true, but Rush and Ann and all the other peddlers of eliminationist rhetoric, great and small, will gasp and whine, “How dare you impugn our reputations falsely! We never actually told this individual to commit this specific act! (*smirking*) ...Besides, we suspect he’s a Black Flag operation

Strangely enough, Captain Super Genius there seems to have gone silent.

I can’t believe people gave him any money at all.

Next up: Rush Limbaugh complains that political correctness is destroying political discourse. ...And it’s all the fault of those feminazis!

She’s been trained from birth to do this, to make this face. As part of her punishment for being a horrible temptress by having lady bits. It’s revolting enough here, but just remember: when you see it on the face of a politician’s wife, that man needs to be de-jobbed ASAP.

Ugh. Need shower just after reading the headline.

That’s why I love it when some oik gets shot down making any public or Jumb-O-Tron Kiss Cam proposal. He’s not just seeking attention, he thinks his target* won’t dare deny him when everyone’s looking. F**k that noise. If that’s how he proposes, you already know how he’ll handle any other situation in your life

How to make a teabagger’s head asplode in flames: Remind him that Jimmy Carter was a born-again family-values conservative Christian with seven years service in the USN aboard a nuclear submarine and graduate work in nuclear physics.

On the other side of the spectrum, I was an adventurer. When I was told in elementary school how chock full of nutrients a certain food was, I’d badger my mother to serve some for dinner. I have always been delighted by cooked spinach (probably because of Popeye, and salt) and okay with Brussels sprouts and asparagus

Oh, you ‘40s serials, you. Some of my favorite bits are the fight scenes in which Wilson’s stunt double has to constantly readjust his bat-hat.

It is the best movie for utterly devastating the viewer. I stand in awe of anyone who has watched it a second time of their own free will, envy anyone who can forget it, and effortlessly imagine it replacing the entire Ludovico Technique and leaving Alex a blubbering, sobbing mess.

It is the best movie for utterly devastating the viewer. I stand in awe of anyone who has watched it a second time

Now playing

I am reminded of Eros from Plan Nine From Outer Space, who was (within the film’s context) completely right in his argument, but so given to insulting condescension that he destroyed any hope of achieving his goal.

(waits for inevitable screed from MRA about how he’s sick of hearing this joke that was briefly his most cherished excuse)