
Yeah, me too.

I’m sorry what was that fourth one?

So Marvel is basically owned by Ike Perlmutter. Very right wing, very authoritarian and a big Donald Trump booster. In the past he’s micro-managed and made demands that made Kevin Feige go to Disney and say he was out unless they took away his authority over the movies division because he just couldn’t deal with the

Must be some sort of mixup - all the Cardinals fans I’ve seen are using #MAGA and #AllLivesMatter

Don’t worry. The coach ended up getting what he deserved when he later found pee-pee in his Coke.

Pictured: Coach Papa

I’ve heard that he demanded to be addressed as Blade and would only communicate with Goyer via post-it notes. Which were signed Blade.

As much as I think that last Vader scene was perfect, I would certainly have loved to see Vader walking on a beach totally flipping out because of all the sand everywhere, and taking it out on the heroes.

Y’know, normally I would never engage with a troll. It’s such a pointless endeavour that it’s not worth the time it would take away from other important activities such as eating tortilla chips while thinking about how much I enjoy tortilla chips, or reading reviews of board games I might want to purchase. Y’know,

I can see the future headlines now:

Sounds like they’re trying to Switch it up.

Well Toby...

Please watch Logan not just because it is good, but also to appreciate how much carbs Hugh Jackman cannot eat while making it.

An old friend of mine was/is a TSA agent at Logan airport and told me this:

Less visits to the mound.

Also, anyone that says “Barthelona” is immediately unfriended.

Wow, a quick recap of Arrow that gave us very little... but Legends gives us confirmation of the Black Racer and nothing? Flash introduces us to a female Cisco’d-powered player and nothing?

Up in horsey heaven, here’s the thing
You trade your legs for angels wings
And once we’ve all said good-bye
You take a running leap and you learn to fly

By the way, I’d totally prefer my ashes get scattered at sea. I want a big Viking ship with a thousand oarsmen all dressed in black...