
If I had one gripe in this amazing movie, it’s that Ego got a little too video game villain cheesy during that final battle.

I saw it as they were stuffy and uptight only when there were any non-Sovereign around, but amongst themselves they did have individual personalities and less formality.

I’m starting to think Marvel and Sony are currently negotiating a sell-back of Spider-Man, and Sony’s announced venom movie (that could never hit its release date) is a negotiating ploy for more money.

Yes! They’re painted into a corner i think. Steve has done way too much already to be forgiven by the other heroes or the world at large. A reality wipe of all of this is the only way to go.

Your broader point is a good one, but the nerd in me is compelled to say that she’s both inhuman and magical.

She is.

He’s definitely coming back despite how confusing this has all been. The trailer for the rest of the season ended with his voice.

Captain Boomerang is being held on the island with Slade, so maybe it was just one stop shopping. “Yeah what the hell, you come too”

Im sure i’ll give this a shot, because I give pretty much any comic book property a shot, especially on TV where I don’t have to shell out any extra money for it, but damn that looks bad.

Also Don’t forget whatever the hell timeline **VAGUE SPOILERS** The Legends wound up in at the end of their season.

To go further into this rabbit hole, it would have been a whole new timeline from the point where present Barry went to the future, since it was his interference that put the team back together in the future, which has the potential to stop himself from ever becoming Savitar in the first place since he’s made up with

Well when this ends with Kobik restoring reality to the way it was before this event ever ocurred, none of this will have ever happened or be spoken of again. That’s literally the only way this storyline can end that doesn’t put Steve Rogers in prison for war crimes.

If Mack gets Hope back, I think that should be the end of him as a SHIELD agent. If you do it, you do it as a way to give maybe the show’s most all around good guy his happy ending. At least that’s what i’d like to see.

I feel like they can only do that for one person without it feeling like a huge copout, and I’m really hoping they use it on Hope.

Respectfully disagree on all points.

Came to say this! Not only did we get Wild Dog flashbacks, but they were really well done and it was probably what made me turn around on the character.

Pratt just tweeted admitting it was a stupid thing to say. It doesn’t excuse the initial stupidity of the statement and its, let’s face it, probably publicist driven, but it seemed worth pointing out.

Tom and Jerry: X- Men Origins: Wolverine: More Colons

no- nothing.

There’s a lot of good advice in this thread already, but i’ll just add that you should take a look at WHEN this sudden bout of missing her terribly began. If it was about the time she started seeing someone else, it might be more FOMO than real feelings for her.