
That wasn’t my point. This isn’t io9's review of Iron Fist. Their review was pointed, rough, and negative. But it also at least touched on the things the reviewer liked or appreciated about the show.

My problem with it isn’t that they dont like it. I had no problem with their review of the showbeing roundly negative. I don’t like the implication of THIS article, which is that you shouldn’t watch for yourself and make a decision on if you like it, you should take our word for it that this is a show so devoid of any

The difference is this article isnt about what you missed if you choose not to watch it, it’s about encouraging you not to watch it and form your own opinion, and just take reviewers at their word that it’s a dumpster fire (Its not)

This is a pretty perfect summation. While I watched it, i found myself enjoying it despite noticing flaws pretty often.

I’m nothing if not consistent.

Tell me more about this spaghetti taco.

There is one small one. The crisis control guy says the YouTube video of Danny got more views than “That Incredible green guy.”

That would be great, I hope you’re right about that. Like others have said, they already wasted Mirror Master this season, who would have also been a cool non-Speedster Big Bad.

YES! Agents of Sheild this season is essentially 3 separate story arcs, and is so much better for it. No more whole episodes dedicated to which secrets need to be kept from which person!

They announced Abra Kadabra for this season already, which stinks because I totally agree he could be a season long Big Bad.

To be fair, I heard an interview with Patton Oswalt where he says that it is literally miraculous that they were able to make a coherent movie around Wesley Snipes’ ridiculous antics on set. 

Oh absolutely, and I don’t want it to seem like I’m pushing back too hard on this, I genuinely have no idea. My point was merely that the overwhelming reaction was shock that they were moving forward with a Spider- Man free Venom movie, but really we don’t know those kinds of details for sure.

Seems a little premature to be looking at the next “couple of seasons” for Iron Fist. Even if we take it as a given (which it probably isn’t, I haven’t watched it yet), it’s gonna take what, 6 years to get to season 3?

But Sony owns the character’s rights, that hasn’t changed. I think the opposite is true, it would be lax of Sony to agree to not use a character they own in whatever project they see fit, especially knowing they wanted to go ahead with a Spider- Man themed universe.

I don’t see why everyone assumes that just because there’s no Marvel involvement, there’s no Spider- man. Sony still owns the film rights to Spider- Man, I would assume that Tom Holland’s contract is to Sony, there’s no reason he wouldn’t be involved.

This was explained in the first game. They took Kryptonian nano-pills that allow them to be stronger and more resilient to the level of Superman. Yeah it’s flimsy but it’s a fighting game, you can’t have characters that just can’t fight other characters.

And not only the pep talks, but also what an asshole he was to Wally last week. Barry yelling at someone for keeping a secret is the new Ollie sermonizing about the evils of killing in terms of utter hypocrisy.

About DCTV,

It’s weirdly written but I think it means the details we DID get are a lot of details from the beginning and then some very vague generalities.

I feel like I remember there being mention of Surtur being in this in Morning Spoilers at some point. Don’t lose hope!