
That was actually at the end of AoU

Got it now. Thank you for clarifying.

Since when have variant covers ever been Canon?

I know this article was meant to be helpful but I even saw Zelda in some of the suggestions you put forth.

Mental Pants.

She showed way more range on How I Met Your Mother than she ever has on OUAT.

Sincere question: I haven’t purchased a Nintendo console since the N64, but have kept up on handheld mainly because I enjoy Pokemon (I buy and enjoy other games as well, but that’s been my driving force).

I had that! It had a lever on the back and when you pushed it in 3 of the little heads moved.

If we got Power Girl on Supergirl, wouldn’t she need to be played by Melissa Benoist?

So im genuinely curious, does he get paid more to play two characters?

Counter Idea: occasionally have the actors play tiny bit parts on Super Girl without bringing any attention to it.

Theory on The Flash:

The show is definitely a shell of seasons 1 and 2, but I don’t see how you could sit through seasons 3 & 4 and drop it now.

I would also like to make the joke.

Sad to see My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend is leaving, but I guess that makes sense with Mike Birbiglia’s new special coming out this month.


They did this scene pretty exactly on Arrow, but unfortunately Oliver did not leave just his hood on.

In season one of LoT Rip Hunter says “I’ve seen Dark Knights fall and Men of Steel die”, so presumably Batman and Superman exist at some point in time in the Arrowverse.

In season one of LoT Rip Hunter says “I’ve seen Dark Knights fall and Men of Steel die”, so presumably Batman and Superman exist at some point in time in the Arrowverse

I’ve always been pretty staunchly against climate change, but you’ve made some good points here and may have changed my mind.