Grizzly Gaymer

How about you do us a favor and write headlines like this- New Black Mirror episode- A Review. Boo to you for tainting an experience I’ve been looking forward since the announcement I read on Kotaku and Boo to Kotaku for posting this up top.

I just want to say I’m so happy that a new generation will be playing Super Dodge Ball.
What a fun game. 

Honestly, I am glad that this guy was banned for saying it, accept his apology wholeheartedly due to understanding of how it is a word that people have just tossed around without thinking about it for years, and believe he’ll do his best to not say it again.

I get it. People say things without meaning it, or thinking

I’m completely blown away that the guy “killed someone” with not even a second of thought. He literally thought that he had killed someone afterwards, and then went on about his day.

The crazy thing is that he felt literally had made a connection with Cohen, as you can tell by him welling up at the end when saying

What kind of monster wouldn’t beat battletoads?

Completely surprised they’d leave off the Genesis version, which was the only reason that I wanted a Genesis.
I had the NES version, and it was so top down horrible, but it was Jurrassic park and I played it because it was there.

Well written article.
Great job.

It’s been fun getting people sitting right next to each other to listen and tell me what they hear.
It’s Laurel.

I’d love to be able to shoot a weapon in a safe space without everyone losing their shit.

I personally wish that it had just finished at the first season.
The buildup to wonder was done incredibly.
Now it’s lets just kill and kill and kill. Meh..

(I think I’ll let this season go, and then binge them towards the end)

Why does the initial picture have

I honestly feel that violent video games keep me from being violent. After a long day of work dealing with somebody that might have been super horrible to me instead of punching them in the face, I find somebody that looks just like them on Grand Theft Auto V and do horrible things to them

It says right on the front page that you must be 18 to join the site.

This game is still such a fun one to play. I’m lucky I’ve got an active group of friends to play with.


That’s awesome! I had been holding off on getting both.

That’s awesome! I had been holding off on getting both.

Excellent, thank you. I saw this last night and became instantly grumpy.

I would have lost my $&** if I found that it counted talking as a jump. Good for him for sticking in there.

Definitely one of my favorite games, and I never knew anyone else that had played it.

My bad, shouldn’t have been negative towards you. We are both on the side of VR. I just believe that you have misjudged PSVR. Definitely could go for better controllers for the immersion than the Move controllers.