Grizzly Gaymer

I disagree completely.
Sorry you had a crappy experience, but as someone who stuck with it, Eagle Flight VR, Resident Evil 7, Harmonix, Thumper, and Job Simulator (just to name a few) were fantastic PSVR Experiences comparable to the Rift.
If you can afford the PC, I highly recommend the Rift, but for the average

and some people just like to complain...

I agree with you completely.

You are a PC Master race guy.

Had I not been tricked into switching to the One S I may have bought this, but now, I really don’t want to buy another Xbox console again. (But I will)

I bought the Xbox One and was super disappointed in how slow it was. I bought the Xbox One S, hearing it was better and was equally disappointed, if not more disappointed in it. I’m the guy that buys all of the systems. I’m done until the next system. Gears was fun, Cuphead is fun, but all in all my whole XboxOne

Do it! Let it end. Throw away your PlayStation too! Yeah that’ll show em! Who needs it? It didn’t release an amazing game to your liking today. Lets just completely ignore every other month this year! How dare they give us free games like MgSV and Just Cause 3 without subscription, cheaper sales, and online abilities

Yeah maybe you should just get rid of your PS4 all together too because a game didn’t come out today that blew your socks off.

I’m having a blast in this game with friends. I plan on only playing 1 round usually , but I usually end up playing until late in the morning. Great game.

Any plans of a Burnout coming out anytime soon?

Friday the 13th. The new patch that added rain, a new Jason, a new counselor, a new map, and fixed oh so many issues came out two days ago and it’s an absolute blast to play again. (Especially with the new emotes) Plus it’s double XP weekend!!!

Like horror movies in General.. watch Trick R Treat!

I got it in the bundle as well. It was easy and quick to get into. I recommend playing as a survivor for a few rounds first. I had fun.

I got it in the bundle as well. It was easy and quick to get into. I recommend playing as a survivor for a few

I wonder who has a more toxic fanbase at the moment, Overwatch or Friday the 13th?

Honestly, in a bit upset he’s not furrier.

The Via is my definite Go-to when traveling over my DS. Salt and Sanctuary, Minecraft, don’t starve and binding of Isaac play great on it.

Sony updated this and you’ll probably want to too..

I agree. Expectations were low turning it back on and it felt so much better than when I initially played it.

I’m a fan of you Mike, but why have yall been so darn negative lately? From Ready Player One, to Friday the 13th (which was a horrible review, I’m sorry) to the last two game of thrones recaps it’s all negative which make me not want to read em.

I’m a huge fan of your site though... but I feel that yall have let the

I have it on PC, however I look forward to getting it on Xbox one.
I REALLY look forward to seeing it on PS4, as I believe it will be a smoother experience.

I’m sorry, I was an Xbox360 fanboy, but in terms of speed and ease Xbox has really let me down this generation.