Grizzly Gaymer

Great article!

Following you. I agree completely.

The writer of this article and many of the others in this thread appear to want to write a lot of words to convince others that they are stupid if they do like the book

I agree with you. I had fun with the book.

Nah, this guy just wants to complain.

That guy probably shouldn’t be shaving his back with all of those boils and blisters on his back.

That guy probably shouldn’t be shaving his back with all of those boils and blisters on his back.

Disregard.. I had to click at the banner at the top of the screen when I followed your link to get the savings.. which is new.

Disregard.. I had to click at the banner at the top of the screen when I followed your link to get the savings..

That 4 TB hard drive doesn’t seem to be down to $100 as you stated.. Unless you were rounding down.

That 4 TB hard drive doesn’t seem to be down to $100 as you stated.. Unless you were rounding down.

I can’t stop playing Friday the 13th.. I’m hoping once I reach 31 and have all Jason’s perhaps I can finally play some more HZD.

Pfft, who would play this?

Looks like I’ll definitely be buying a Switch now.

It just seems like the Xbox One and the Xbox One S was just a prototype for the Xbox One X and the Wii U was just a Switch Protoype.

For the gripmaster, you mention a 20 percent off coupon.. where is that?

For the gripmaster, you mention a 20 percent off coupon.. where is that?

Friday the 13th in the evening

And thank you!

That’s a great question. Mind you, it is just a 40 dollar game, but i believe that I will due to the fact that they will be adding to the game. The fact that they will be adding single player at the end of the summer will definitely help people practice so when they do compete it’ll be even more interesting in online

Kotaku’s review got me irrationally mad and embarrassed to be honest with you. It just doesn’t seem like she played the game correctly.

The game is actually ridiculously fun and highly addictive for those that actually learn how to play it.

amen.. it’s like she didn’t even try.

Sorry you don’t like it but my God I have had hours and hours of enjoyment of this game. It and PUBattlegrounds are my must own games of the year so far.