She’s clearly talking with her hands. Don’t try to make it about that when there is clearly an issue of him shoving.
She’s clearly talking with her hands. Don’t try to make it about that when there is clearly an issue of him shoving.
Doesn’t look like she was shaking hands, don’t try to make it about that because that’s not at all what it is. That just dilutes .. That Shove is what we should be focusing on. What an asshole move. Remove that update about the shaking hands, it just lets them argue about it.
I’ve just got to say.. I tried to play most of the games last night, and Streets of Rogue was definitely my highlight of the Humble Bundle last night. I laughed, I played, I died, I came back, I died some more, and I had an absolutely awesome time doing it.
I’ve just got to say.. I tried to play most of the games last night, and Streets of Rogue was definitely my…
My mom has always been homophobic and we would always have to go to complain to the school board in my town whenever anything regarding gays came up. She unfortunately found out that I was gay when I was 12. When she found out, she did everything she possibly could to make my life miserable.. couldn’t go to a public…
Yay, you didn’t use that creepy man in bathtub with weird bubbles on back picture. Thank you!
Yay, you didn’t use that creepy man in bathtub with weird bubbles on back picture. Thank you!
My favorite thing to do, which they don’t do in GTAV, is hit a car near a police officer. Let the driver of the car get out and punch me in view of the police, and then watch whatever transpires between the driver and the police. It was so much fun.
That back groomer picture is disgusting. It looks like his skin is boiling off, can you please stop posting it?.
That back groomer picture is disgusting. It looks like his skin is boiling off, can you please stop posting it?.
What happened to the sale summary lines you normally put at the bottom?
Please don’t let that stop being a thing! Disregard, didn’t see I was in Lifestyle.
What happened to the sale summary lines you normally put at the bottom?
Please don’t let that stop being a thing!…
The fake bubbles on that guy’s back are ridiculously gross.
All week it’s bugged me.
Fingers crossed it is no longer on sale next week.
The fake bubbles on that guy’s back are ridiculously gross.
All week it’s bugged me.
Fingers crossed it is no…
Is this image supposed to look like a gun?
I recommend the Marijuana strain “Truth Serum” when playing games like rocketleague, as it appears to slow down time but still allow focus.
That’s what I’m doing. I played Zelda all night last night on the Wii u and it was beautiful.
I’m relatively new to computer gaming and have bought some crappy gaming mice.. but I bought that Logitech gaming mouse on sale a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it, and definitely see what the fuss is about. So comfortable and cool!
I’m relatively new to computer gaming and have bought some crappy gaming mice.. but I bought that Logitech gaming…
Awesome! Congratulations!
(However I need to know what the question is for 34 across)
Spoken like someone who has never played the game, has only half read articles about said game, and feels that it’s cool to rip on things that others like.
I hope it goes better for you than it has for me.
Omg, why am I gray?
I’ve definitely been noticing it, but have been apparently unnecessarily deleting games because of it.
I think you could trick people into thinking that that’s a food printer.
I think you could trick people into thinking that that’s a food printer.