
Right, just like the masterpiece of Brink.

Seems more like salt than shade to me.

Weird, twitter has always been known as a place of kindness and thoughtful insight.

This is way better than “press X to pay respects”. What the hell are you talking about?

I’m having a hard time believing that there are Bears fans in Chicago.

Does being on the side of Zimmerman count as Woke?

Always the worst feeling in Overwatch: “Whelp, guess it’s time to die.”

If I was on that crew I would say that the game was over and the team that schmuck was on had forfeited.

Wow someone actually looked at this situation and said “Yes, I will give my money to some kids with inflated egos and no business experience plus vape tricks”. A fool and his money

I don’t know, man, I mean, am I really butthurt enough? I mean, the highest possible degree of butthurt is probably “Spending month after month crying on the internet because someone made a Ghostbusters movie starring women,” and I’m nowhere near that level yet. At this rate, I’ll never gather enough Butthurt Power to

No, it’s not an edgy “step too far.” It’s obvious and boring. The key to humor is having an unexpected element of surprise. You were not surprising. Sorry, play again.

I hope you get the reference.

This is the single most predictable post on the internet this morning, and here’s the proof :

They already did.

Some of those monsters are going to make an appearance in this comment section.

It’s like being mad at the letter “W”.

*Fake Anger*
*Furious Clicks*
*Ad Profit*

Oh, brother.

Making a poor port is entirely on the content creator.