
Kudos to this fan made version of the final scene.

I wish it was not over.

Your condescension does not help your argument. It simply shows you feel you have an unassailable position of moral superiority and are not willing to acknowledge anything to the contrary or even articulate your thoughts.

See the second image is supposed to be sexy. And sexy=Morally wrong and shameful under all circumstances. Get with the times, man!

Try again. The Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection launched without a hitch as far as I can see.

It is ambitious but I agree with OP. It's still rushed. Ambition isn't an excuse for something not working even remotely properly.

How about just not rushing broken games?

So what? She's a cosplayer who likes to fight.

So this ok but this is wrong?

Are they left behind or holding current gen gamers back?

If the PS4 was backwards compatible, I wouldn't even think twice about upgrading.

"To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don't think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did."

I'm sure that officer understands, wherever he is.

Right, because things you don't like shouldn't be discussed. You should really post your personal standards of decency somewhere so the entire internet can keep up.

Yeah, I have to admit, I did the grind for a few months when Destiny first came out. I was so happy when I hit 30 (even picked up the Vex Mythoclast while doing it). I decided to take a brief break to play some Dragon Age, promising to jump back in once the DLC came out. After seeing all the changes they've made,

this is something that really bothers me too. The outrage here is particularly stupid too. GTA V encourages violence against women in the same way it encourages violence against literally everyone. It's outrage manufactured by morons.

QUOTE | “If these folks had their way, none of those people would be able to buy Grand Theft Auto.” - Take-Two president Karl Slatoff reacting to Australian protestors who got GTA V pulled from some retailers; ultimately Slatoff believes “if you don't like it and it's offensive to you, then you don't buy it.”

No sometimes people are just dicks.

More like Not-so-slenderman


I don't want to overreact or anything, but the parents of the kid in that photo should be given the death penalty.