*Hank Hill voice*
*Hank Hill voice*
Holy shit, that was a great spot for a concussion blast.
Got to augment that release date.
Yeah, you should. It’s really great.
The last GOTYE from Bioware was for Dragon Age: Origins, so...
This reminds me of the creative director of Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate. When he did commentary for the first gameplay footage, he was talking about what you could do with stagecoaches in the game and threw in the old “The possibilities are endless!”
That actually looks great.
You still play as a human? That’s fucking disappointing.
That Sir Integra, tho.
Me, too, bro. Playing New Vegas right now.
What game do you and Colin hope to see the most at E3 this year? Fallout 4?
Eh, Regular Show FTW
That’s what I do, unless the game is something that’s an absolute Day 1 must have. Picked up Dishonored GOTYE on Black Friday for $4.98.
Totally forgot about this game, and I know I’m not the only one.
Not alone there...
Nothing besides messages from idiots who were mad that I kept killing them in TLOU multiplayer. I don’t live chat, but if I did, it would probably just be a bunch of pathetic losers screaming “NIGGER” every five seconds, as if that’s the first time I’ve ever heard that before.
Damn, bro.
YES! Fucking loved the last one. Finally, one of the sequels I’ve been waiting for and not just another remaster.