
a black woman.

Blizzard wants to make their game more diverse. This is criticism aimed at helping Blizzard make their game more diverse. Blizzard should welcome this kind of criticism.

Be careful- you’ll remind all these internet law experts that it’s possible to be wrong!

Let me remind everyone that this is not censorship. Censorship implies that the government has banned the episode in question. This is not the case as its still possible to stream the subbed version of the episode. No, what has happened was that the distributor to the Pokemon anime has decided not to localize this

I came expecting to see a pic with a room full of white guys, looked at that pic and got excited that there were so many women and persons of color. Then I made the mistake of reading what the criticism was actually about and promptly remembered why I hate humans of the internetz.

Where in the sweet fuck are these people when it comes to adapting media that isn’t European or even Western, or writing media about places that don’t fit that umbrella?

“Do we want to talk about homophobia?” Cage told the paper. “We work with Ellen Page, who is fighting for LGBT rights. Do we want to talk about racism? We are working with Jesse Williams, who is fighting for civil rights in the United States... Judge my work.”

“the case is all based on the recollection of the officer.”

No, I would not support Mo’Nique’s boycott of Netflix. And Jeez, my kids’ used to call ME a grammar Nazi. LOL

I haven’t finished the 4th season of Black Mirror. So... no

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

The mass bannings during GamerGate were what made it literally the only tolerable place on the internet to discuss the issue

I assume many gaters and pol types are trying to link Kotaku to this, to poison the well and drive people away from this site as well. It’s a very old conservative tactic, really.

Yes. Take the advice from a known rapist.

The toxic culture was mostly on the surface. Ignoring that EviLore was likely culprit behind the #MeToo bans and I think that other ban you mentioned as well, GAF wasn’t that much better on politics with a weird brand of liberalism that honestly varied between the off topic and gaming forums. The mods control the

Julian Assange is also a rapist, so not very meaningful. Him calling another man a “predatory sleaze bag” is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

...coming from Assange, given his track record, I’d be careful of using him as some sort of pillar of unassailable wisdom in this particular conversation.

Because most of the things he described are things that men of all races do to women.

Wow, it’s almost like this David Clarke guy is a complete fucking idiot.

Maybe it is a whole new level of meta gaming that Yoko Taro could not get away with on a console due to certification and licensing, but he can get away with it on a PC. Yeah. That’s the ticket.