
Definitely. Especially when I feel the need after a hard day to smash someone in face with a plank full of nails or plant a blade bomb for some unsuspecting person to walk near, smiling while I envision the look on their face as their life flashes before their eyes.

How in the flying fuck does that sound fun?

This is probably the greatest comment I've ever read in my entire life.

That's what I thought what happened...

Chop, raping male dogs and shit.

It's funny to see that "real city" comment go over so many peoples' heads.

He went on to live a boring life, never expressing how he truly feels to anyone and working at a job he was incredibly overqualified for. A former student of his was later murdered by local drug dealer "Krazy 8" and his cousin, Emilio.


Is the second game really that better than the first one? I'm getting Ezio's Trilogy this week and I played some of the first one, but I don't think I can take much more of it. I played AC3 (I got it for $10 and I already knew about the terrible ending) all last week and enjoyed it, but everyone says that AC2 and AC:B

What about it?

I know your trolling, but grow the fuck up, dude.


Butters' Bottom Bitch?

So...Saints Row 4-ish?

The "Not Enough Black People" syndrome...Wow,

Fuck yes.

They don't.

Could you imagine a Red Dead prequel where you play as a bad ass former slave who goes from plantation to plantation freeing slaves and kicking ass, like a mix of Granddad's Catcher Freeman from Boondocks and Quentin Tarantino's Django? Call it Red Dead Revenge. Have it take place in South Carolina. That would be sick

Well, to be fair, some of the people Holden met were complete trash.