
Standard hipster bullshit. Hating on something fun and popular because it's fun and popular. I have yet to hear a good explanation on why it's such a boring title. If it actually starts getting the same amount of hate as CoD, there's no hope for this community.

Actually, Russ Tice, a former NSA intelligence analyst, told everyone that back in 2005. Snowden just took a different approach.

Glad the 'Merica Gun made it. My favorites were the hunting rifle from The Last of Us, the Vox Heater from Bioshock Infinite, and the assault shotgun from GTA V. I loved causing mayhem as Michael with that thing.

Oh I'm definitely stealing this shit.

There are cops riding motorcycles off mission. It's extremely rare to see, but I've seen some on my second playthrough of the game.

While the majority of the comments on Twitter (and there still aren't that many) seems fairly positive, there were those who were amused or simply disapproved. "Guess this is an Asian mix," wrote one Japanese Twitter user. "I have no idea why she wore a kimono with a China dress," wrote another. "For hairy, white

Seeing this a few months ago convinced me.

Finding out that's a woman blows my mind enough.

Dude, you bought it at launch. Don't tell me you didn't see this coming...

God, I fucking love Mako.

Hell, they use the Lamborghini Gallardo in Italy.

It was Todd Stashwick.

Fuck my life.