
Tangential: I walk 6 blocks once a month to pay my mortgage in person because at the downtown branch, there is a teller who looks like Michael B. Jordan’s younger, slimmer cousin. He has this incredible smile and always some very nice chit-chat that is perfectly timed to the length of our interaction. One time, he

I still don’t understand how Get Out didn’t win best picture.  It was clearly the best picture that year. 

“They just want history erased. I know it’s a sore spot, but at the same time, it can be used as a teaching tool instead of using it for hatred,”

Those bastards don’t deserve a penny. Preserve the home of Till’s uncle who stepped out and pointed to the men that killed that child. That is the face of courage. Fuck those people and their family from here to eternity.

Couple things: it’s one thing to not be a reader, it’s another to be someone who says “DURR WHY READ WHEN SOMEONE CAN JUST SAY NOISE TO YOU.” This idiot thinks he’s being edgy and subversive when really he just sounds privileged, spoiled, and stupid.

How is it possible that sub-human horror can find its way to the peaceful communities of my upbringing?

In this world just being murdered by your spouse isn’t enough. You have to be pregnant, he has to kill your daughters and SUBMERGE THEIR BODIES IN OIL TANKS. He has to be okay with doing all that before your story stands out as unusual or interesting.

Your comment surfaced a terrible memory for me ...

Yeah my husband’s abuse escalated when I told him I was pregnant, and I moved out around a month after I’d told him, it was getting so extreme that I felt safer leaving (not as straightforward as it might sound.) At 12 weeks I found out the baby had died at about 8 weeks, the time of the most serious incident. And

He definitely had autism bc he was diagnosed by a psychiatrist as having such. Lots of neurotypical people also have restricted diets due to problems with texture, and some people on the spectrum have no issues with food texture (like myself). You can’t diagnose somebody based on one fact and your own experience.

It was the same in the news media industry when I worked there. One time I had to work on Easter, which was fine (except that single people were always made to work Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter because apparently not having kids equals not having any family anywhere who wants to see you). Anyway, I waited until

Maybe it’s background for a true crime reality show, and they’re looking for potential murderers or victims.

Exactly. It´s incredibly clear, especially when you hear their disdain for all of the women (and I’m not even really talking about celebrities, but all of the millions of normal, everyday women who spoke up and shared their own metoo stories on social media) who spoke up about their own sexual assault and harassment

Excellent article. Thank you, Kelsey! I am a Psychologist who treats individuals with eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa. I remember Claude-Pierre well. She was doing the media circuit while I was in graduate school. As you point out, people with an ED and their families are sometimes so desperate that they

This was very good, but hard to read from an emotional standpoint. My daughter was in and out of residential treatment centers for almost three years in her mid-teens, including involuntary treatment for almost nine months at an isolated, out of state facility with family visits allowed only every two months. It had a

Pregnancy and childbirth are times of tremendous change and uncertainty. This change can create opportunities: research shows that if a man is going to quit smoking at any time of his life it most likely to be shortly after his first child is born. This is likely because your lifestyle changes so much that you have

I can only give my opinion as a social worker who’s worked with DV survivors and their abusers, not any actual research, but I think it definitely is a control thing. Pregnancy is largely out of men’s hands. Even if he wants a child, he’s not the one growing and nurturing and bonding with that baby for 40 weeks. She

The other murder that’s taking over the headlines this week is Mollie Tibbetts. In Mollie’s case, politicians are coming out of the woodwork to decry illegal border crossings and sign on to new legislation supposedly designed to protect women from violence. I have yet to see any politician come out with a strong

“Thou shalt not speak comparatively of thyself and anyone/anything involved in the Holocaust, lest thou art instantly transmogrified into a douche.

It sounds like that boy was definitely on the autism spectrum. I’m autistic and I’ve had issues with food since childhood. They said I’d grow out of it, but I never really did. It has nothing to do with body image but there are times where I actually get scared to eat. There are a few foods that are safe and sometimes