Worth noting about this film: the author of the novel made it a condition of any deal that the main character not be whitewashed. As soon as she said that, every other production company but this one turned her down.
Worth noting about this film: the author of the novel made it a condition of any deal that the main character not be whitewashed. As soon as she said that, every other production company but this one turned her down.
Let me be the first to say:
People are asking what this means for #MeToo. It means it’s doing its job.
This doesn’t surprise me. Cycles of abuse are self-perpetuating. I’m surprised more people aren’t pointing out how distressingly similar the details of this assault are to her allegation against Weinstein: the grooming and isolating of the victim, providing alcohol before attacking etc. It’s infuriating to think…
She was incredibly stupid to think this wouldn’t come out. Even if the accusations were blackmail she should have known MeToo detractors would find it.
Lauding her “brilliant scholarship” and “intellectual generosity” and noting that the French government recently bestowed a prestigious award upon her,
I don’t think it’s ethical to blur professional and personal lines when there’s a power imbalance in a professional setting. Anecdotal, but as a supervisor, I zealously avoided personal connections with my employees and others who were not necessarily my direct reports, but were subordinate to me in my position.
Ugh. Enough already with the damn “this person has done a lot of good, therefore they could never have done anything wrong” letters. I can understand it’s hard to accept that a friend or idol might not be who you thought they were but keep your thoughts to yourself.
Petiana is adorable, and I really wish those crazy kids all the best. I hope they enjoy this first blush of pure joy...because there is no way this relationship lasts more than two years, tops.
The last question is the most important one.
I love the idea. “Hi, I’ve done it in the butt and had an orgy or two. I’ll have a cupcake, please.”
Nev Shulman of Catfish.
Yes!!! And, also, an inspiring role model for a female Good Dog!
I am 41. My mother founded a local chapter of the la leche league because she was not going to put up with that shit. Apparently it was a real movement, even back then. Shame that it still has to be.
Etched in the crystal section of my memory is a moment forty three fucking years ago* when I was visiting my mother in Palo Alto CA. The purpose of the visit was for her to get to know her first grandchild at age 5 months. We were out at lunch, and Baby wanted to eat as well. I excused myself and rushed to the Ladies…
Dear Mr. Whitley,
Kim to her stylist: I would like my whole outfit to be as uncomfortable as humanly possible.
My friend was a young mother in the 80's. We were sitting at the mall (I know) with her new baby and she was trying to breast feed in a corner of the food court behind a pillar. And mind you she was covering herself with a blanket and trying to as discreet as possible. This little old Italian man walks by and tells…
I have this thing I do when I don’t want to see a mother breastfeeding. It’s called “looking somewhere else”. I hope it catches on!