1.) It’s an excellent essay.
1.) It’s an excellent essay.
I’m going to rant to anonymous people on the internet because I can’t, presently, rant to anyone I know. My brother in law and his girlfriend have gotten themselves pregnant. It’s too early to tell people that aren’t immediate family, hence the anonymous rant.
It was not intentional. She was getting birth control…
My energy has been so bizarrely low lately! Anyone else feeling that? I can’t decide whether it’s just the gross heat getting me down (it’s been pretty brutal, plus it seems like half the state is on fire, and the smoke and ash have finally reached us, too), stress related to my mother (out of a job again, gonna drive…
I listened to some podcast this week that informed me that pirates actually did wear eye patches frequently, and the reason for that was a combination of cannon fire and the tremendous amount of splinters created by cannon balls hitting pirate ships!
Good for you! Every move in the history of the world has been a total racket. Congrats on kicking this racket in the butt and making positive changes for yourself. Good luck!
I have a dissertation chapter to write. I’m SO CLOSE to being done, and have to be done by November so really need to write write write.
But I very badly broke my foot and I’m having pretty awful oral surgery on Monday and everything sucks. And I just got some very positive and supportive comments back from my outside…
Everyone usually speaks about the things they are doing, what things you are not doing today?
I turned 48 today. My mom drove up to visit and we’re having a low-key good time; she bought me some books and complimented me on my greying hair(!).
Our current reigning champion was over an eggroll. He both wanted it AND wanted me to die for the sin of offering it to him. He threw a plate at the Mama Buffet server and I cleaned the floor and gave her $20 (plus abject apologies). He rolled on the floor while screaming YES EGGROLL (it was in his hands). He had just…
Tomorrow is the big day. Barring any major disasters, I will finally be out of my current apartment in the afternoon and will have everything down to my new place in my new city by bedtime. I moved some stuff down last weekend, spent all week in orientation meetings for my new job, and came back here to get the last…
I live in a very kitty-tastic neighborhood. My neighbor kitty, Gizmo, is one of the best. He’s a polydactyl, and apparently a klepto. My neighbor lady knocked on my door the other night with a handful of my garden gloves. Apparently Gizmo likes to bring home presents for his mom, and those presents include two of my…
I’ve been in my new house for a week now and living alone is the fucking best. I don’t think I’ve closed the bathroom door once. And I baked a huge wedding dessert order in my own kitchen when I damn well felt like it (no more scheduling kitchen time).
It did give me an idea for a story about two fiends who are raised by mother who want them to be pretty and popular and happy. They sort of drift apart after one friend starts gaining weight and drops out of the dance/cheerleading classes their mom’s have them in. Then, in 8th grade she starts working to lose weight…
While it hasn’t been nasty, this is still my favorite thing Jennifer Garner has ever said:
I am so not the marrying type, but seriously, I hope to want to settle down at some point. I just need to grow up. That’s going to be a tough one. (I’m 45)
And you know those iced tea drinkers, notorious abortion havers those people.
I...just...what??? What on earth is the thought process here? “Abortion is wrong! I’ll put these pictures into a box of diapers because...wait, living human babies wear diapers so they weren’t aborted...uh...oh fuck it.”
God yeah those aspects piss me off as well. Still remember how fast she tried to claim she intended Hermione to be racially ambiguous despite the fact her own sketches of the character from the 90s show her as White, all because others used a Black Hermione as a positive role model for themselves and she wanted credit…