
Had a mini-motorized Mercedes as a kid in the ‘80's. Even had a personalized license plate. Guess what else? Child of divorce. Surprise! Dad married his 28 year old mistress and I got a mini-Mercedes.

He’s like my husband! I make him the most simple things out of whatever’s around and he just oohs and ahs. I love it.

Just a reminder, in these troubled times, if you can, throw NPR a few bucks.  We need their reporting right now.

It’s not like being poorly treated by our families, our friends, the public, and our governments can be contributing factors to depression or anything. Nope, just “mental illness”. (Sarcasm, btw)

And yet there are idiots who blame trans folks’ 41% suicide attempt rate on “mental illness”, i.e. being trans. There are jags who loudly exclaim that cisgender privilege doesn’t exist. It’s enough to make you tear your hair out (and not via electrolysis).

False rape allegations were actually a common tool used to either imprison or justify violence against black men and black communities during the time this story was written. See Scotsboro Boys, Rosewood Massacre, Emmett Till (who wasn’t accused of rape, but was murdered because a woman lied and said that he whistled

You realize this has to do more widely with the very common practice of accusing specifically Black men of rape, a primary cause of many lynchings leading up to this time period? This isn’t some Reddit nonsense.

Not necessarily. Sometimes wonderful people are saddled with shitty children.

Thomas Markle sounds exactly like my father who has been excised from my life as well. He doesn’t care about his daughter at all. He’s only concerned with getting what he THINKS he deserves. I don’t know in his case that he didn’t earn it, but I know that my dad sure didn’t. That doesn’t stop people like this from

Excuse me but are you suggesting that a man who was raised by a Klansman who was arrested for rioting over there being too many Catholics in the police department and who also wants to outlaw Islam, making it a centerpiece of his campaign, would also have a problem with Jews? 

Unfortunately, the daily fucking mail is not the UK equivalent of the National Enquirer.

I assume that later today “Gisele dies of laughter” will be a headline. 

This guy went from mildly sympathetic to pathetic to OMG TOTAL TRAINWRECK in a matter of months. This dude really does not know when to just shut the fuck up. I have no idea what he is thinking, I mean he’s gotta know this strategy is not going to actually work, right? 

Exactly. Everything about Daddy and the half-sister screams toxic narcissistic relatives.

Thank you, Thomas Markle, for the reminder that it’s ok that I have minimum contact with my parents, even as they are getting older and in bad health. My dad regularly throws the accusation at me that I just think that I’m better than the rest of the family and that I’m embarrassed by them when that thought has never

The more Thomas Markle speaks, the more Im convinced that Meghans treatment of him is entirely appropriate.

He is truly terrible, but I think the tabloid media that are paying him and egging him on are worse. This douchebag wouldn’t have a platform if they stopped giving him one, but the Daily Mail in particular has a readership that feeds off this bullshit. It’s the “if it sells papers/gets clicks...” attitude, which

I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”

When you see an adult child cutting a parent out of their lives, it often says so much about the toxicity level of the parent. It’s awful and hard to cut out a toxic parent from your life, or even to set some solid boundaries! In this case, Thomas Markle is backing up any suspected parental toxicity with regular proof

Thomas Markle is toxic. Tox.ic. He is a narcissist and possibly dangerous and the only way to deal with a narcissist is to not engage.