I hope Floyd doesn’t read this article.
Gawker should hire him. Obviously.
Don't leave out Rogue's union-busting.
To be fair, she does claim to be the worst.
Well, now I'm following @iluvbutts247.
I'm sorry, but no one eats p—— as much as the guy in that book.
I want to drink many, many beers with Gronkowski.
He was good in 21 Jump Street.
Beach beers are the best. Especially after dealing with the typical Minnesota/Wisconsin winter.
This is the last spot I wanted Rex in.
Meph Addict and Coffeestopheles are equally amazing names of beers.
Honest question, who still uses vaseline?
I once mixed Red Bull, bison grass vodka, and absinthe in a stainless steel water bottle for Oktoberfest.
I once mixed Red Bull, bison grass vodka, and absinthe in a stainless steel water bottle for Oktoberfest.
Expendables 3 was actually quite enjoyable.