
I wanted to say, it’s pretty standard procedure to boil water during even low-level disasters like flooding, you’d think in a situation like this you would just do it as a matter of course.

One hour in and I’m all like just let Filoni and Favreau do all the Star War from now on.

I hope this isn’t the end of Taika Waititi’s IG droid, I really enjoyed him, with the unique way he moved and fought. It was cool to finally see an IG droid in action that wasn’t just in comics or/games.

Hopefully he keeps coming back as various IG models.

The Dunwich Horror is probably my favorite Lovecraft story (possibly tied with Mountains of Madness) and a proper film version of that could be kind of great. It’s got it all. Elder gods, inbred hillbillies, and an elderly professor as the hero. What else do you need?

This poster feels very "try hard".

I can’t get over how bad this poster looks. Is it, like, supposed to be intentionally this bad?

Now playing

Ah, TMP is such an underrated film. It is THE most Trek of the Star Trek movies. There are some genuinely nice character moments, interesting themes are explored, and the effects are just downright weird and beautiful at times. I didn’t care for it growing up, but I’ve come to love and appreciate it so much as I’ve

My biggest and, I think, least shared comic opinion is that I’m furious Deadpool came along and stole America’s heart by taking the Ambush Bug schtick, but replacing the wry and well-crafted commentary on comics as both culture and medium and replacing it with a dick joke.

Disney and Marvel hash out Holland’s future (Holland in background)

I’m tell you, the only one I feel bad for in all of this is Tom Holland. It’s like a reverse Harry Potter with the guy. He was living it up at Hogwarts having a good time with all his new friends, then he has to go back and live in the Dursley’s glory hole.

There’s also the fact that Swamp Thing was pretty much treated like a prom night dumpster baby by the Warner higher ups from day one. I’m surprised it even got the initial season made, to be perfectly honest. The execs were just waiting to pull the plug on this one.

What problem does Ryan Murphy have with New England?

“Oh good, no pressure, lol...!”

Prolapsed Buttholes

I love that Batman busted out the jungle-clearing Bat-themed tree harvester and the napalm flame-thrower, got his ass decisively kicked, and then decided “just give him what he wants so he goes away. You gonna cock-block Superman too?”

Indeed! There were so many scenes picked straight out of the Toho movies and then just supersized! I could hardly contain myself.

Fuck critics. It was awesome. It is Godzilla and they use his god damn theme. I’m happy.

Yeah, I saw this movie today, and it’s ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that Godzilla: King of the Monsters was made by people who have watched a metric fuckton of Godzilla movies.

So, the human storylines are dumb and boring, and the real reason to watch is the gnarly, awesome giant monster fights.  Sounds like basically every Godzilla movie ever.  I’m there!