
It’s a damned if they do, damned if they don’t situation. If they don’t include stuff like this, people have accused the writers of not having respect for the franchise, having no prior knowledge of the other series, not being “Trek” enough. When they do, people complain it’s from the bad episodes, it’s too much, or

I definitely feel like we put everything – every idea and every single ridiculous concept or gag or stunt or character – into this film.

Just show them a clip of her murdering Tuvix.

Umm, the history of almost every kaiju movie ever made disagrees with you. You need some humans at least to be the perspective character, provide narration, and have at least some semblance of a plot.
Sorry, I know you may be doing a bit, but I get a bit annoyed by people who seem to sincerely believe that the only

Seriously, that is some Willy Wonka BS and Mike Okuda should swat the VFX guys in charge of it with a rolled-up newspaper.

I’m kinda over fighty-fighty spectacle, so my eyes go glossy and I end up paying less attention. This episode was filled with a lot of that.

Did anyone actually watch Helstrom?

Now playing

Well, the new Godzilla anime surely can’t be as bad as the last one, right? Right?

Enough dead Thomas and Martha Waynes in these movies to make an army of zombie Gotham socialites.

The comic didn’t work because 99.99% of the dipshit cops using the Punisher logo have never read a Punisher comic in their lives.

The helmet always makes me think of this:

I really can’t recommend most of these enough but especially Return of the Living Dead. It is probably the best representation of the mood that permeated most of the 80's for a lot of people, especially the youth. It’s just so sleazy and rebellious and utterly nihilistic. “The world is going to end because of disease,

Luke dear, hate to tell you this but your lightsaber was never that big.

I’ve got a bud feeling about this...

HEY DISNEY... take these assholes to court NOW.

It always blows my mind how many novel, comic book, and other fantasy/ sci-fi fans are right wingers who fail to pick up that the side they are on is the evil one.

Yep, here’s your problem. Someone set this thing to evil.


I assumed Germain meant they were foreshadowing IG-11 avenging his ‘dad’ not that IG-11 killed Kuiil - though that might just be because it’s a plot point I’m anticipating 

I’m not crying. You’re crying!