
Not nearly soon enough! 

If Scott Walker was on fire and I had a glass of water, not only would I drink it, but I wouldn’t even use any of the leftover spit in my mouth to help him.

If you go down this path there’s a lot of messed up stuff. Infants who suddenly reappear to parents who thought they were lost forever. Infants who reappear and end up orphans because their parents couldn’t handle the grief. Spouses re-appearing where their SO’s have passed away, moved on, or even remarried..


What is up with the sound mix in that trailer? It’s horrendous.

Looks pretty decent to me... as does Swamp Thing himself (via Bloody Disgusting):

There are many IG droids and the best thing is that once they’re defeated you can repurpose them to make a lovely espresso machine.

Dunno how the film is going to be, but I’m definitely here for gritty, nasty, 70s era Gotham.

Maybe the new Toxie will be played by Elijah Wood?

I want The Sound of Music or The Wizard of Oz. Having them all singing show tunes afterwards.

It’s funny, because I went in expecting to really dislike Leslie Jones’ character in the movie because I wasn’t much of a fan of her comedy, but she was probably the only one I thought felt like a real person and not some outlandish cartoon character. I was really impressed by her, and I’ve come around and become a

I love the entire cast of the 2016 Ghostbusters movie and I really wanted it to be good. But the fact remains that it was not a good movie. It’s great it gave little girls someone to aspire to in the same way boys have had that for decades, so it had that going for it I guess.

You’re not wrong, but at the same time how do you justify passing up the chance to work with Ewan McGregor as he enters the prime age for this role?

Republicans believe every challenge is a zero-sum game. The idea that in order for them to win, someone must lose. The idea of everyone winning or benefitting from the game is an anathema to their philosophy.

Jason Mantzoukas (The League)

If you see a blue Honda Civic in a movie are you assuming that its your neighbor’s car? You think any of these droids have custom paint jobs? Hate to break it to you but there were a million R5-D4s rolling around the galaxy with one, maybe two, paint schemes.

And Joker could show up for a few minutes every now and again like so much Poochy!

“Who’s the new owner? We don’t know yet.”

I kind of like that. Almost like what they did with MechaGodzilla 3 during the Millennium series. Of course, that was more a case of turning the original Godzilla’s skeleton into the basis of a mecha. 

Man, I enjoyed the last Godzilla well enough, but there were some mistakes with the concept they ran with.