
Maybe IG-88 is getting back into its original career of tending bar.

So IG-88 is (likely) in this series.

Now playing

Me too, at least SNL validates that this past weekend:

Reporter asks Sarah Huckabee Sanders about potential plans to pay for the border wall: “Have you done the math on that?”

Mothra getting a military escort makes me fuzzy inside

Nice little (hopefully deliberate) detail on these:

I haven’t seen a single Transformers movie despite being a child of the 80s. They all looked like trash and a big part of that was the design. This movie may lead me to stop boycotting the live action franchise since they obviously put a lot of work into making Optimus faithful to his original design. It gives me hope

Hillary Clinton moved to New York for the first time in November 1999. By November 2000, she had been elected Senator in a state she’d lived in for a grand total of less than one year. Other candidates with far more experience both in public office and in the state, who had already announced their intention to run for

As someone who is a big Punisher fan, I roll my eyes whenever I see right-wing nutjobs with Punisher logos, as in the comics those are exactly the kinds of criminals that Castle kills on a regular basis.  

It’s weird how much the police seem to be into The Punisher because his whole thing is how cops are awful and don’t do anything so go vigilante! (He also killed quite a few cops in his day, IIRC)

I’m a comics fan, and I fucking hate that the Punisher skull is being used by facist/racist fucks.

Shirt on the lady to the right. That appears to be a Day Of The Dead skull.

Yeah I kept starting to get into it but then BAM SCREEEAAAM  and I’d just roll my eyes and turn the volume down.

Did someone say “cocaine,” baby?

In my head canon this is the sequel to The Thing. 

Not a fan of the song, but that trailer has me sold. Good or bad, this iteration of the series feels *new* and after what seemed like a lifetime under Moffat I'm totally ready for that.

So it was the whine of a thinny? Thought so.

Thank you. It also sent a great message to young women who come from troubled families. 

Adding Morgan and John to the cast and removing some of the original cast has changed the show quite a bit and for the better.