This is good Torchlopnik. Very good Torchlopnik.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the GT350/R is one of the best sounding factory cars out there. I need that exhaust in my life as much as I need water.
Possibly. I think I prefer listening to Monkey describe cars, with his tea drinking elegance and overuse of analogies, however Andy really showed how talented he is in terms of sheer knowledge as well as driving prowess.
We love you Doug, you know that right?
“ you could ride through New York City in a live brontosaurus, and the average New Yorker would look up at you, sitting there, on the back of a 30,000 foot lizard that went extinct 150 million years ago.”
I’m so glad Dodge actually lets people thrash on their high performance loaners.
That’s what I was thinking too, but it doesn’t seem like they are really asking for investors, at least from what I read. I’m the first person to jump at shitty and embarrassing Chinese knockoffs, but it seems like these guys are actually doing it right (working with the Tesla patents and whatnot). Here’s to hoping…
It’s hard to say it without sounding rude to the other authors, but I love watching a Jalopnik review done by someone who really knows how to drive. I love you all, but the standard Jalop contributor isn’t exactly Chris Harris when it comes to behind the wheel stuff, as proven on a few occasions. More Andy!
Giggled much too hard at this
Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for the car to actually be a Tesla, considering the price range they’re planning on selling it at($45,000ish according to the article yesterday).
I hope you’re right, because if I ever see him..
I keep on replaying this imaginary situation where I have legal justification for breaking his nose with a keyboard. Oddly specific but so satisfying.
I especially like how there is an existing tag simply for “electronic road signs”, however this level of fuck-lessness deserves better than that.
Rather crush his face with your classic 911. Gotta save ‘em now.
That’s not a bad point. Maybe just piss in his Starbucks? He might like that too.
Here’s the guy that directed this ‘art’. If you ever see him make sure to fart on him or something.
Opps, my lesdyxia is showing.
Please refer all your complaints to Google Images.