Thanks, Obama
Thanks, Obama
ST aside though how do you like the Fusion?
I had heard about the deal with Holden but I still think that a sleeper 4 door family car isn’t something that the American people will be able to get behind on a decent enough sale to make it worth Ford’s time.
That’s definitely a good point. If the Fusion ST can sit a whole price point lower than the SS and have some looks that distinguish it from the standard Fusion, then I can see it being a real thing.
Oh God blasting through a canyon with that 1.4 screaming to redline sounds like just the most funist thing you could ever do. It looks like a blast.
As a 540i owner, this is absolutely correct. Still CP, but you’re on the money.
It’s a process. I was looking at the same for my 540i. Here’s the best write up I’ve found.
I listened to your advice and bought an E39 540i with 140,000 miles.
Depends where you look. I got my 540 for less than 5 and most M5s I saw were going for just over 15. Still a great deal for a supersaloon but it wasn’t in my budget.
As the owner of an E39 540, this. Almost every issue I have with the 540 would be fixed by it being an M5. It’s just hard to justify a $10,000 price gap between the two.
Wait a minute, where’s the Twitter plug? Doug are you doing ok? Was this actually written by Phil because Doug was killed in a rollover? We need answers.
That’s probably the least inspiring feature on an otherwise awesome car. I really prefer the 570’s ass over the P1/650/675/412/762/69/666.
Good work Doug, your video production has really gone up in quality. Given a few months more refining I’d say they might even be watchable!
Not much to add besides being glad that everyone is alright. Also, this classic:
Hahaha I did exactly that trying to find out.
OK all time to place bets. First order of business: what track are they at?