
He was really a delightfully dark highlight of the series.

I was sure I’d read something, probably here to be honest, about the Netflix contracts stating that the shows, and the various actors portrayals of these characters, were effectively property of Netflix for the time they air + something like 1-2 years after.

I agree.

Didn’t the trailer explicitly show two Wandas? One that looks like the ‘normal’ version from the Avengers and early WandaVision episodes, and then the ‘fully realized’ Scarlet Witch we see in the final moments of WV.

And you can feel in the attitude of some of the Galaxy leaders that they really do feel superior to everyone and everything else in the region.

All that really makes it a little easier to fold them back into the continuity, particularly now that the multiverse is a thing.

I get where you’re coming from, but I guess just think of it as keeping with the aesthetic of other hunters and smugglers in the SW Galaxy.

From a practical standpoint, as a borderline criminal, in his line of work it probably pays dividends to have a ship that looks like junk, so long as the performance is there.

That, or they’re looking at it the way penny auction sites look at things. They get a fixed transaction fee every time a sale is made/bid is placed. Every individual bid in a penny auction only raises the price of the item to the final buyer by a cent, but you have to pay a dollar every time you want to make a bid,

Maybe he realizes how creepy it is that he’d be dating his best friend’s daughter, who he is like 100 years older than, and will outlive by centuries?

It has been a while, so I may be mistaken here, but I think in the follow-up novel Wulfgar is killed, turning the budding love triangle into an old fashioned line segment.

So... the giant wiper blade just perpetually compacts snow/ice onto the bottom of the windshield with no clear place for it to go until the pack ice created eventually prevents the blade from functioning at all?

Yeah, makes me wonder how many other prisons and jails out there you could just pop all the locks on from anywhere in the world...

Right, I mean in the 80s didn’t they all fake their deaths and have a spell cast on them to render them anonymous and invisible to recording devices and the like?

I mean, I get that they want to stir drama and all, but it’s a superhero book in the Marvel Universe... honestly, let he who has not been cloned, time-traveled, alternate-dimensioned, wished, willed, or otherwise magiked back to life at least once cast the first stone here.

That was my thought as well.

Who’s the voice of Tripple-Oh, in your head at least?

Oh, I’m aware there are more considerations beyond just time savings to be had here. It is just amazing how much of what runs... everything... is still largely built on programming that its creators likely assumed at the time, “Well, this will get us bye until somebody can redo it better.”

There’s nothing borderline about it, the stock market is gambling. You are putting money into a system (or in this case, company) in the hope that its real or perceived value will rise and you can get more money out than what you put in. There is zero promise that this will be the case, meaning there is an aspect of

And even a lot of what isn’t being actively maintained by some random Todd, or Steve is essentially running big chunks of cut-n-paste backbone code from decades past.