
How about no. How about we just handwave this guy (who casually murders people and takes a lot of pleasure out of doing it) as something unique to a universe filled with alien starfish and butterflies and not try to label with any real world disorders or mental illnesses?

Especially ASD since people on the autism

I was going with “Rock me, Dr Zaius” but you beat me to the punch.

Good job, Dr. Zaius!

I guess I can finally crack open my copy on PS4.

They don’t even read the first half of the 2nd Amendment.

“My students call me ‘Professor X.’”

Is this shit suprising tho? This motherfucker could have lived anywhere he wanted and he chose a tiny ass town in fucking Ohio. I’ve lived in Ohio its a shitty, racist place and he chose to live there. He’s fully become one of his characters.

From a Vice article on the subject, quoting Chappele:

Nah, just an apologia on behalf of Chappelle from a perennial pennant-waver.

Yep. Fuck him. I’m sure his “I’m RICH, BIATCH” shtick will be ably supported by the fucking Larry the Cable Guy set.

In case you were wondering if Dave Chappelle has gone full asshole, yeah, he’s apparently willing to pull all his investments out of a town if poor people move there.

I mean, I was half joking, but oof.

You’re joking, but the general set-up of the Galaxy Team moving to Hisui is strongly evocative of how Japan colonized Hokkaido, which is the area Hisui/Sinnoh is based on. The native peoples of Hisui in the game take design elements from the Ainu, too.

Indeed super creepy, especially since Drizzt has known her since she was a child as well. But he seems to have gotten over that pretty eventually.

Our brain fails to represent these things.

Except, that’s exactly what these gaming execs are pretending to pitch and it’s been around for years, also doesn’t require any blockchain/crypto/hype nonsense.

Yeah, Wolfgar dies and then Drizzt has angst about his romantic feelings and whether or not to act on them. I forget which novel this happens. Eventually Drizzt and Cattie-Brie do get together, but I have completely lost track of the series and characters over the last 20 years or so. I know Drizzt eventually has

And that ended well for everyone, of course. 

New games will add that functionality because it that is going to be the new way we look at in game items and it will just be the next generation of that same idea.”

Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo summed up crypto and NFTs perfectly by comparing them to the International Star Registry. Remember those guys? They’re still around. You mail them a couple of hundred bucks and in return they “name” a star for your spouse, loved ones, or pets. Except none of it has any authority.