
Right? Like he was walking down the street and just giving off an, “I wanna buy a person or two,” vibe that human traffickers could pick up on? Like that one friend everyone has (if you don’t know them, you are them) that every one of those dudes with the call girl business cards on the Vegas Strip swarms to, cause

I’m kind of here with you.

The trouble might be finding a muscle woman who isn’t a shithead. The best place to look for the right replacement would be the MMA world Carano came from, which seemingly self-selects for assholes.

Yeah, I just can’t with the fishing line. The mechanics are a bit of a mess, imo, and as you said, it is just generally boring compared to almost anything else you could be doing in-game.

This is something I’m wondering about. By design this is a large blade built to catch wind be pushed by it. A very long, narrow sail. I would think compensating for strong cross-winds is far trickier than just simple load balancing on/over the truck bed.

A small list of bugs I’ve found so far with the festival and quests:

Davidson was/is a cutter though, so the removal process might actually be, oddly, comforting for him, no? If nothing else the man clearly has a very different relationship to pain than most. He may be looking at the long, apparently quite painful, process of ablating all his ink as a strange sort of therapy or

I mean, yeah, that’s been a ‘behind the scenes’ cliché for decades. Again, it comes down to specifics as to how much to chalk this up to systemic abuse of power and how much it was just an asshole firing off in the moment.

Maybe, but then again, he was probably union and possibly taking what was essentially a mandated, and probably scheduled break. No way in hell he should have just walked off with somebody’s life literally on the line, but there’s a decent chance their job was protected under contract.

Both Harris and Cameron almost drowned filming that movie. Form what I remember Harris had a malfunction with his air tank, and in Cameron’s case the PA that was supposed to be monitoring/changing his air tanks while he was directing scenes at the bottom of their giant dive pool went on break and while he was off the

Which, in turn, led to the entire flight mechanic being removed from future games in the series.

Yeah, I think the ‘walls’ will be more along the lines of what you see in D&D adventure modules: These events are designed for characters leveled x-y, and may be too advanced for beginning level players.

I’ve been playing this for a couple days now and I’m torn.

All storage was handled by proprietary memory cards that cost 3-5x what the equivalent SD card ran at the time of release. What little onboard storage the system had was reserved for the OS and pre-loaded apps like the PS Store.


$$$ is why you don’t make them exclusives, and porting these huge franchises to anyplace that can run them brings in a hell of a lot more money than keeping them in one (or two, if they also release for PC).

Just astounding watching her play. And what a time to be a tennis fan in general (inability to actually watch in person notwithstanding), really.

So, dude is already arrested and handcuffed with his arms behind his back, reaches for something everyone admits that they understood at the time was not a weapon and the response is to beat and taser him?

I would love an official, full-scale relaunch of Dark Sun in any format. Preferable something set in-continuity after the Prism Pentad series to open things up a bit.

The show is so well done, layered, and crafted it is just beautiful to watch. Beyond everything you’ve laid out here, just seeing how all the leads are trying (with various degrees of success) to cope with everything they experienced over the first two episodes... Processing very real grief and shock as well as the