"I didn't ask for this shit"
I met my high school boyfriend at Universal Studios Florida, we went to the same school but never talked. I guess he had made a bet with some friends or something, we dated for 6 months though =(
That news about Robert Downey Jr's son just breaks my heart
It's basically half a cheesecake and delicious toppings, say what you want about Guy Fieri, but if you give me half a cheesecake I will eat it
I smell a future Lifetime original movie
They've reached out to the people whose pictures are being used. Sometimes it turns out that person knows the catfisher, other times they're just a random picture. When you put photos on the internet you run the risk of someone finding them and using them for whatever they might want. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and…
and only say "sorry" if you're really sorry or have something to be sorry about.
I think it's because at this point I give zero fucks, but I rarely google people because I'm just not curious. I want the surprise of finding out I'm on a date with an axe murderer!
I'm adding Robin Thicke to my list of men who write songs exactly like Taylor Swift and get none of the criticism she gets
What does it say about me that I think all the World's Ugliest Dog dogs are the cutest things I've ever seen?
He was definitely evil
If you want to work anywhere in the entertainment industry, specifically if you want to be someone's assistant/receptionist, writers of any kind, comedians, actors, producers, PR people, agents, managers, artists of any kind, small business owners......
In some industries, if you don't have a lot of facebook friends or twitter followers, you probably wont be hired
The Willis is strong